What have your experiences been using VaxYes QR code to verify vaccination status?

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I'm planning a trip to Egypt in August and just learned about how US paper vaccine cards aren't accepted. I got a free VaxYes code which seems to be the preferred way of verifying vaccine status. Has anyone had any negative (or positive) experience with doing this rather than testing?

Also, does anyone know anything about Egypt's rules traveling as a recently recovered person who's had COVID? I tested positive 2 days ago, and my trip is in about 80 days from now. (I'm going to try to get a positive test this weekend so I have the 90 day before travel positive test, and doctor letter.)
No personal experience, but read of a lot of people successfully using VaxYes to generate a QR code to enter Egypt.
Up to date entry rules can be found >>> here <<<
Egypt does not accept or consider recovery certificate as mean to enter the country. You have to be either vaccinated or tested. As you are vaccinated, you are good to go.
Saying that... i won't be surprised if things are changing until August... but rather toward lifting than toward becoming more restrictive.
In a similar vein, has anybody tired to enter Egypt with the QR code from the Virginia Department of Health?
We're going to Egypt at the end of June, and I recently recovered from COVID-19 (very mild case.). I positive at first (at home antigen rapid test), then tested negative 10 days after first symptoms. I spoke with my doctor by phone, but never got a PCR test. Now I guess there are two issues concerning the trip:
(1) Entry into Egypt: AFAIK, Pennsylvania doesn't have an app or website for generating vaccination QR codes, just the paper cards, and I'm concerned that a PCR test can come up positive for a few months. I guess I'll have to get a QR code generated by one of these 3rd party sites (and hope it's acceptable.)

(2) Re-entry into the US: I've arranged a PCR test in Egypt before flying home, but again, it's possible it'll come up positive. The State Department site points to a CDC statement: COVID-19 and Travel

Basically this says if you've had COVID-19 within 90 days you need TWO things: proof of a positive viral (PCR) test AND a letter from a doctor saying you've recovered. I'm thinking I should get the PCR test ASAP - if it's positive, that plus a letter from my doc will allow me to come home. If it's negative, then I guess it'll be very likely my PCR test in Egypt in 7 weeks will also likely be negative.

Is this how others are interpreting the situation?
What a mess!
We're going to Egypt at the end of June, and I recently recovered from COVID-19 (very mild case.). I positive at first (at home antigen rapid test), then tested negative 10 days after first symptoms. I spoke with my doctor by phone, but never got a PCR test. Now I guess there are two issues concerning the trip:
(1) Entry into Egypt: AFAIK, Pennsylvania doesn't have an app or website for generating vaccination QR codes, just the paper cards, and I'm concerned that a PCR test can come up positive for a few months. I guess I'll have to get a QR code generated by one of these 3rd party sites (and hope it's acceptable.)

(2) Re-entry into the US: I've arranged a PCR test in Egypt before flying home, but again, it's possible it'll come up positive. The State Department site points to a CDC statement: COVID-19 and Travel

Basically this says if you've had COVID-19 within 90 days you need TWO things: proof of a positive viral (PCR) test AND a letter from a doctor saying you've recovered. I'm thinking I should get the PCR test ASAP - if it's positive, that plus a letter from my doc will allow me to come home. If it's negative, then I guess it'll be very likely my PCR test in Egypt in 7 weeks will also likely be negative.

Is this how others are interpreting the situation?
What a mess!
You do not need a PCR to get back into the US, just an antigen test, which you can take with you (if it is the right kind) and have it tele-proctored while you take it in your hotel room the day before you fly.
In a similar vein, has anybody tired to enter Egypt with the QR code from the Virginia Department of Health?
Maybe a point to note is that QR codes have never (never!) been machine scanned on entry in Egypt.
(1) [...] I guess I'll have to get a QR code generated by one of these 3rd party sites (and hope it's acceptable.)

(2) Re-entry into the US: I've arranged a PCR test in Egypt before flying home, but again, it's possible it'll come up positive.
(1) see above. VaxYes will do it.
(2) i would have to dig a bit deeper but i recall a post here saying that PCR tests in Egypt never comes back positive. @drrich2 was that yours?
Not to say, you should build on that, but...
So, fingers crossed for you too that entry regulations get listed until then.
Maybe a point to note is that QR codes have never (never!) been machine scanned on entry in Egypt.

(1) see above. VaxYes will do it.
(2) i would have to dig a bit deeper but i recall a post here saying that PCR tests in Egypt never comes back positive. @drrich2 was that yours?
Not to say, you should build on that, but...
So, fingers crossed for you too that entry regulations get listed until then.
Thanks for the input. I've decided to get a PCR test this afternoon (12 days after initial symptoms, 2 days after negative antigen test) and also get a letter from my doctor. Just as a back-up.

Hey, I use an AI computer AND carry an SPG, and I also bring 2 torches on night dives. :wink:
You do not need a PCR to get back into the US, just an antigen test, which you can take with you (if it is the right kind) and have it tele-proctored while you take it in your hotel room the day before you fly.
That's good to know. I wonder how to arrange tele-proctoring in Egypt and then get a print-out before the flight? I'll be on a Nile Cruise, not hotel before flying home. Guess I'll check in with the Tour operator...
That's good to know. I wonder how to arrange tele-proctoring in Egypt and then get a print-out before the flight? I'll be on a Nile Cruise, not hotel before flying home. Guess I'll check in with the Tour operator...
You arrange it before hand. Go to emed.com, for example. There are several companies doing it. All you need is 30 mins and a decent internet connection. You don't need a printout, the results come to your phone. You are not doing this to leave Egypt; you are doing this to enter the US; Egypt has nothing to do with it.
You arrange it before hand. Go to emed.com, for example. There are several companies doing it. All you need is 30 mins and a decent internet connection. You don't need a printout, the results come to your phone. You are not doing this to leave Egypt; you are doing this to enter the US; Egypt has nothing to do with it.
True, but Turkish Airlines has to accept the thing on my phone before we board in Hurghada (or maybe just for the connecting flight in Istanbul to JFK?) But it sounds like this is common practice, which is good to know.

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