What ever happened to RESPECT

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Just because you can con or bully enough people to get elected President does not mean you have earned my respect.
He is not stating here that you respect the man so much as respecting the position
What a joke.
I won't explain this statment.
You figure it out.

Please do I would be most interested to hear what you have to say. I think I know what you are referring to and it is not Manias explanation.
You make good points, but like I said before....religion isn't the answer for most people.

I don't believe that "religion" is the answer for any one. Faith, now that's another matter.
It's a crutch....I've seen it time and again: The poorer, "less fortunate" (and often lazier) portions of society turn to religion as a way to seek answers as to why they are not living the live of luxury and to place the blame somewhere other than on their own shoulder.

I disagree. Faith is not an endeavor for the lazy and it's not the path for some one looking to live a life of luxury. Of course that depends on how you define luxury.
Most religious groups have become just as corrupt as any other sector of modern life. You need look no further than the priest sex abuse scandals, Jim Baker and his lot, etc to see the evidence of this. People feel they can buy salvation through their checking accounts.

I don't know about "most" but corruption can happen anyplace. Corruption isn't caused by religion but is the acts of people who are sinfull by nature. A lack of faith can allow that sinfull self centered nature to run unchecked because there's no reason to check it.

Maybe some think they can buy salvation but I don't know where they got that idea.
Most people who take to the church to strengthen their families often end up driving their children away from the church because they force it down their throats.

Maybe this is like trying to buy salvation? you don't seek faith to strengthen your family. Your family becomes strong because of their faith.
Religion is the answer for a small minority cases, mainly because people don't seem to grasp the main point: it's how you live your life, not how you spend your Sundays. And you don't need to go to church to lead a good and honest life and to raise well-mannered, responsible children (you just have to put some effort into it). But that's just my humble opinion....It's no skin off my back if you choose not to listen to me.....that's your right.


What is a good honest life? Why would I care?
Okay... now from the wicked schoolteacher's perspective:

Respect is a funny thing. Children come to me from all different types of homes: consistent, stable, broken, split, running from the law, loving, dangerous, happy, faithful, and those where everything is a lie. Some come to us with pain that we cannot fathom, and others have very little stress or unhappiness. For some of them, school is the best place in their lives. For those, it is the only stable place they have, free of a never ending stream of new "uncles" or changing places of residence.

We hug them, clean them, patch them, clothe them, feed them, pay for their field trips, reward them, watch for signs of mental stress/illness/abuse/learning disabilities, make sure their belly buttons aren't showing, and occasionally we even TEACH them.

Blame someone for lack of respect if you will... but don't blame the schools- believe it or not, we are not all the blood-sucking ogres that we are made out to be. (Yes, I know that there are bad apples in education, just as all professions.) The schools are the ones who have to deal with the lack of respect that they have been taught in the homes. Most teachers joined the profession because they have a genuine caring and love for the future generations. I guess the others joined due to the great financial rewards. :) (Almost snorted my milk through my nose)

Perhaps if so many kids didn't see their parents/guardians cheating on their taxes, screaming at other drivers, beating each other up, pushing to be first in line, berating each other, using this phrase: "what is that crazy teacher THINKING!", or "that stupid president of ours", or perhaps this one, "all that preacher wants is money", there would be a modicum of respect left for them to mimic.

Just a tirade from a schoolteacher who is tired of feeling the brunt of the blame for the ills of society. Children are a product of the homes, first. Responsibility for teaching respect begins at a very young age, and really continues for a lifetime. Hopefully, families will teach a strong basis of caring and loving, FIRST. That's where it all begins.

The truth Foo, is that I (and I'll limit this post to me so as to not offend or "step on any toes") must consider the geographical area in which I live before I accept your views as true to me. It isn't the same in every part of the nation, and children must be prepared to face the environment in which they live.

I will agree with the greater part of your argument, especially that alterated behavior in front of your kids, or undermining myself in front of them isn't exactly "kosher." However, I must remember that being free to speak as I wish, where I wish, and to whom I wish, is the cornerstone of the 1st ammendment, and that right is one that many men and women before me died, and many more will die, defending.

Children are the product of their homes at first, very true. I teach my kids to think for themselves, to be self reliant, to yield to authority, but also, to question authority (as citizens of this country we do have that right), to dress for success, to exhibit pride in what they do, to do unto others as they would want others to do unto them, in summary, to be above things petty. I also teach my kids to sieze the opportunity, to defend their beliefs, to be accountable for their actions, and to do whatever they have to do to survive, regardless of whether it means doing something others would view as improper. I am compelled to do this because it is my belief that while they will grow up to be model citizens, I want them prepared for those times when they experience misfortune, so they can survive.
I guess I am one of the few younger generation, 36 on 9-01, that still has manners and respect. No I wasn't brought up in a "high society". My parents worked for everything we had even if it wasn't much. I was also taught to pull my load in life. If I wanted something I worked for it and bought it myself, for the most part.

I never really gave any of this a second thought but the other day I held the door for an elderly woman. No she wasn't all bent over using a cane or walker. She was in good health but I held the door for her. She blew me away with her response. She said " Well I guess chivalry isn't dead after all'. It took me second but I responded " at least not until I am dead". We both smiled at each other and went on our way.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

--- Max Ehrmann, 1927
Religion is an exercise in methodolgy to gain practice towards a higher goal which is knowledge. Sort of like push ups. And any exercise has its good and bad points.

What would a discussion like this be without the Bible thumping Baptist chiming in :wink:

I want to begin by saying that I would fight for everyone of you to have the right to believe whatever you want to and to teach it to whoever will listen. No group has the right to suppress the free speech of another. Even if they do not happen to like it. I just ask the same in return.

Religion actually stems from the "God given" desire to know our creator. Every religion in the world, (including evolution) trys to answer the same 4 questions.
1. Who am I?
2. Where did I come from?
3. why am I here?
4. Where am I going when I die?

How we view the world will determine our approach to these 4 questions. Our "world view" will in the end determine our values.

If we believe in the Creator God of the Bible who made everything and has all power. We attempt to find out who He is and what He wants.

If we believe we evolved naturally over millions of years. We don't have to answer to anyone for our actions, I decide what is right for me, of course every society has it's level of morals, but I decide how I will live and when I die, I go back to the dirt, end of story!

If God is the creator and the Bible is true, Every person is a living soul and spirit, important to God and has inherant value as a human being.
If evolution is true, I am nothing more than an animal in a long line of animals that have died and suffered for millions of years. I have no inherant value, when I die I will be recycled as a plant or feed a worm somewhere.

If God created me, it is for a purpose, if I look to Him he will show me what that purpose is.

If I evolved I have no purpose.

If God created us, we better find out who He is and what He wants and do it!

If we evolved, we don't answer to anyone, we decide what is right and wrong.

You see, people do not reject God because of any evidence against Him. People reject God because of their lifestyle. God has written down what He requires of man, but men don't want to be responsible to anyone.

Most people think they are "pretty good"
Even murderers have standards. Murderers in prison kill child molestors because they have a standard of what is acceptable. We all have standards. God has a standard too. His is called the 10 commandments.

I admit that I am not a good person. I am a wicked sinner who deserves to burn in Hell for eternity. Do you think you are as wicked as me? Or are you better than me. According to the Bible, I am guilty of breaking every one of the 10 commandments. have you?

Go to this site and see how good you are, are you good enough to go to Heaven?

well, enough ranting for now, :07:
I am not writing any of this to make somebody angry, but thereason there is no respect ofr others is that most people are out to take care of #1 .

God bless,
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.

Regretably, to "be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be" can result in a desire to kill anyone who does not share your conception or perception.

We cannot "conceive" God to be anything, He reveals Himself and His attributes through the His works, His word and His Son.

And away we go ... I wonder how quickly this thread will be edited and locked down.

there is no prohibition on the TOS regarding discussions involving religion.

however, if anyone makes personal attacks or flames anyone, their post will be
either edited or deleted accordingly.

so, express your views, disagree freely, but do not attack anyone for what they believe or call them names.
I tend to agree with Andy ... I am one of those who adamantly pushes to keep discussions of religion and politics off this board (and I've been following this thread closely) ... but if all the discussions could be kept at the level shown in this one, I might be convinced that such discussions could be possible.

The answer to the title of this thread can, perhaps, be found within the thread itself ... for which I am grateful.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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