What ever happened to RESPECT

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Gosh, when you read just the first page and just the last page of this thread, you just gotta wonder how many miles were traveled in between!

What a looooong strange trip it's been ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
GOTTA AGREE WITH YOU THERE BOB I JUST FINISHED THIS THING IT TOOK ME 2 DAYS TO GET THROUGH IT (READING AT WORK) (sorry bout the caps lock was on) I thought it was never gonna end.
BUT back to the original post "Respect" oh yeah that was what this thing was about.
TOO many of us have taken it for granted. We feel we are are OWED respect. The only respect we are owed is that of one man to another. We should show common decency to one another and allow each other to believe what thy will and do as thy will as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. I should respect you as a member of our 1 human family! As you should respect me. I don't have to like you or anything else except allow you to live as you wish to live provided it doesn't break the rule of not interfering with the rights of others.
Respect for a person as a person IS everyones rite (or at least should be) and should be upheld.
TRUE Respect is not owed nor should it be given freely. It MUST be earned!!! If you are a lazy, do nothing P.O.S. who does nothing for the society at large but sit on your @$$ and collect wellfare, why do you deserve my respect? Do you have the right to live your life as you see fit? yes. Do you have the right to sit on your @$$ and use my tax dollars to support your lazy @$$? yes! Do I have to respect you for that? F NO!!!! I respect the crack-dealers' rite to live but I do not respect his choices, his lifestyle, or his attitude. NOR should I be forced to respect that which I believe to be wrong.
Have we as a society lost our way? Lost respect for our fellow man? I would have to say (unfortunatley) the majority has! I was brought up to always show respect for my elders and all people for that matter BUT I am a firm believer that once you show me 0 respect you damn well better not expect me to show you any at that point you need to earn it!!
Blessed Be
And here is to a brighter future for us all :beerchug:
NetDoc, i replied to the respect topic in a previous post in this thread, and was replying to a question posed by Quarrior seperately, i didnt mean to disrupt the thread, but i wanted to see what he was talking about and comment.. i dont intend to start arguing with people over religion or anything, i just wanted to offer my view to Quarrior..

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