What ever happened to RESPECT

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I was totally surprised that the moderators let this one go for as long as they did. And whatever happened to the RESPECT issue? :cwmddd:

Don't think I haven't been lurking.. no reason to pull/close a thread this active and self governing. It's been very entertaining.
Let me just say that if everyone had initial respect for EVERY person, instead of judging anyone, the world would be a better place. until you have a firm basis to decide if a person has a good value and moral system, they should not be judged in any way, and respected and treated with dignity. if they prove themselves as having poor integirty then they will get what is coming to them, but you have to think, is it YOUR place to give them that?, perhaps they will find that on their own. if not teach them a lesson constructively. I dont know much about politics but if someone has good leadership skills that is one thing, integrity is another, if they have both, great, but no-one is perfect. I'm not religious but my auntie who is a nun said it perfectly, if a person is good, they are good, it doesnt matter about religion or their relationship choices, the way they dress etc. they should not be judged by people, god knows the truth and he will judge them. ie. it is out of our power. Respect is very important, no-one should be judged straight away, everyone should have a chance to prove themselves as a good person first. i hope more people maintain this value.
I posted something in this thread called Inconsistancies. I would have thought with all the Biblical knowledge that is being thrown around in here, that someone would have taken the opporutnity to address my simple and basic questions.

Any takers?
I posted something in this thread called Inconsistancies. I would have thought with all the Biblical knowledge that is being thrown around in here, that someone would have taken the opporutnity to address my simple and basic questions.

Any takers?

im not a bible fan, so i cant really answer your question the way you like, but its inconsistancies like that in the christian religion that turned me off it, a lot is very contradictive. a lot of people twist the already confusing words too, which creates terrible results, ie KKK, sexual discrimination etc. but i beleive there are good intentions, its just VERY easy to misconstrue, thats why i dont go to church cuz there are a lot of misconceptions amoungst some priests. but hey if people can find the good in it and live a happy life thats great :)
Quarrior and Zoe83...

with all due respect :D... most of us were trying to keep this thread at least a tad on topic. Quarrior, your questions had nothing to do with respect, and sounded more like statements than requests. While this board exists for diving knowledge, one of my other boards exists for questions about faith and God: www.Discipleshearts.com. I would be more than happy to address those questions there.
I think that the biggest downfall we have in our society is the loss of respect. The loss of respect for ourselves,our parents, our elders, our country, and our president.

When I was four years old, I remember my parents teaching me to say "We love President Johnson from now on", even though he was not who they voted for once he became president they taught he was to be respected.

I was shopping for a birthday card for a friend, and saw a whole row of "political" birthday cards. All with a picture of our president, and "cute" little political (not very respectful) statements.

I am all for freedom of speech. I understand that some people disagree with certain things he has done. (the pure hatred some people are displaying is beyond me!) But, I still think people should have some respect that he holds the office. Even with President Clinton's indiscretions in the white house, my biggest heartache of it all was that I still had to teach my children to respect him as our President after what he had done.

If John Kerry wins, I plan on teaching my children to respect him as our President. Of course I still have my children address any adult as Mr. and Mrs. I just must be old fashioned.

I just wish respect would become an important value again.

I believe in respect for the office of the president, and I also have young children. Having said that, however, I'm not about to tell my little son to say "We love President Bush from now on..."

You know, I teach English here in Saudi Arabia, and there is nowhere near the freedoms we enjoy in the States. That's the very foundation upon which our country was founded---the freedom of expression. We might not like some of the expressions, but that's what we're all about. It's not an easy subject, I know, for often people abuse the very freedoms we enjoy, and say, "Hey, I can say what I want." That's also extreme, but if you don't like a birthday card just because of some offensive message, you don't have to buy it. It's opinions like that lead to book banning and burning.
Since the Bible clearly states that God made everything in 6 24 hour days, I would take that as pretty much ruling out evolution.

I try not to "assume" anything about people, but do certainly compare what they say with Scripture.
The concept of evolution is 100% incompatible with the Bible. It teaches there was no death at all before Adam sinned. Death is only in the world because of Adam's sin. Rom 5:8. If there was death and bloodshed for millions of years before Adam and Eve, the entire gospel message is VOID! Only sons and daughters of Adam can be saved as a matter of fact.

As for a fundamentalist who believes evolution, that would be a liberal in fundamentalist's clothing.

Scubaguy62? Too many things in your post to reply to here. But you say that "there are cetain truths even Christians do not have an answer for". Respectfully, such as?

Where in the bible does it say that God created everything in 6 24 hour days???? 6 days yes! But NO WHERE does it say that each day is a 24 hour period! It is a simplified concept to explain the unexplainable to a very simple mined creature (man). I am a believer in both camps Creation & Evolution.

You can not deny the exsistance of dinosaours can you? If you do go check out the local natural history museum and explain where those really big bones came from. BUT NO where in the bible does it mention the creation of giant reptiles that inhabit the earh for millions of years, but they were here right? So there goes that simplified version of creation (6 days 24 hours in each day)
On the other side of the coin where did the BIG Bang come from? Even if the Science guys are right then where did those first atoms of whatever come from so they could colide or explode or whatever they did to create the universe?
You can not get something from nothing right? So there goes the simplified version of Evoloution. The existence of a supreme being AND the laws of science together seems the only logical solution.
So here is where we have our debate: is it creation or evoloution? Who is to say that to God a day is 24 Earth hours??? (remember we measure time according to the Earths rotation and it is a bit presumtious to think that We...man are the center of the universe) Who is to say that a day to God isn't 100,000,000 Earh years. If you adopt this mentality then both views are not only possible but they actually suport each other.
1st day God created light.....Big Bang
2nd day God created the land....still big bang just the cooling phase of the earth
3rd Day God created the sky and the oceans....the off gassing of volcanic gasses creating the atmosphere and the seas
4th day..Ect Ect Ect...you get the point
If you allow for a few million years in between each "Day" it all makes sense. I mean it sounds almost crazy to think that a few single celled creatures could eventually evolve into man BUT put a bit of guidance from the Allmighty and well thoses single celled organisims are just the first pieces in a much bigger puzzle. Neither theory can really totally stand on its own without having HUGE holes in it but the concept of a "Guided Evolution" is something to ponder.
God had a plan for us but we are talking about the "ALL Father"" the ALL Mighty""The Creator of ALL Things" God is immortal! GOD is Everlasting! So why do you think he/she was in such a hurry to create Life! I mean did he/she have a deadline or something? Was his boss on his @$$ to say "Hey God where is that creation project you promissed me? Remember it is Due on Saturday" He/she had an eternity to develop his ideas and perfect his creations. Why rush it? Think for a minute,if God wanted to create life he wouldn't he/she want to watch it grow, nurture it, and guide it, like every parent wants to do with their children? Do you think God dosen't care about what we (and all life he created) becomes? If that is the case then Well this thread is right on the money about respect and values being non-exsistent anymore and Society is just doing as the good lord did. BUT I think that is not the answer. The big man upstairs had a plan and he/she DID Create ALL Life (no question there) But to think he did it over 6 (24 hour) days is a bit much. Having a plan and watching/guiding its progress over thousands/millions of years that seems ALOT more logical/reasonable.

Just as an aside Who is to say that the bible got it right? The Native americans do not believe in our "myth of creation" neither do the Hindus, Islams, African tribesmen, Aborginees, the Pagans, or countless other faiths, they all have their Own beliefs and their own stories and most of them have been around ALOT LONGER than the bible has been (pagan beliefs were around centuries before the jews even left Egypt) BUT when you look at the different tales of creation from different faiths you will see that they all have some things in common and that is a supreme being that created all things. Even with all the different faiths out there they all pretty much say the same things, have the same rules,laws (don't steal/kill, honor thy God, be honest) basicly it all comes down to live a "Good Life"
If just 1/2 of us actually lived up to this code we wouldn't be having this discussion about respect and values.
my $0.02
Blessed BE
Every one take a look at his/her favorite picture. I want this to be your most cherished picture. It can be of anything. Look hard. Harder...ANY medium.

Note how in detail the picture is made up of many different smaller areas of detail. The big picture we are all seeking is the exact same phenomenon.

Imagine if the red pixels were so excited about the absolute beautiful reds they made, that they convinced temselves they should encourage every other pixel to be red too. Of course you would lose the picture.

In actuality the bible is a large Cliff Note. Genesis alone was compiled from an entire library. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written before Noah was a gleem in his author's eye.

You really think Cain just walked off mad and started a new village in a couple of years?

It ALL is a part of the bigger picture of what IS.

Imagine the picture Mankind could make if we all respected one another's differences.
That takes a lot of study and wisdom to declare me "wrong" on something I didn't even say. I will say it though. There is and can be only one perfect translation in any one language.

Since you have declared me wrong, please teach us where God's preserved Word is? He promised to give it without error. 1 Tim 3:15-16, promised to preserve it without error, Ps 12:6-7. Told us to live by every Word of it, Luke 4:4.

Help me out here with a lesson. Please don't say, in the originals, because they don't exist. If you want to claim in the original languages, please tell me where to get a copy and which text to buy? Textus receptus, vaticanus, Sainaticus (sp) Aleph A,B, or C?
I like to learn
One thing you can convict me as guilty of. I believe the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God in the English language. Perfect and without error or proven contradiction.

There, some real amunition for you ;)

God's message is what is in the bible! BUT it is the hand of MAN who actully wrote it. Man is not perfect therefore the words of men are not perfect therfore the interpretation of the bible is just that an interpretation.
Have you ever played telephone whe you were young? Ya know the game where one person tells someone something and that person then tells the next person and so on until it returns to the original person. The message at the end of the game is NEVER exactly the same as when it first started we (as humans) add things omit things, the message may be the same but the words always change.
Now what you are saying is that over the past 2000+ years accross at least 3 or 4 languages (never mind the different dialects of each language, plus the changes in the lang/dialect over time) that the EXACT original words of god have been recorded. Me thinks that it is a bit guliable.
Do I think that there is an acurate account of the Lords word out there somewhere? The answer is a big YES!!!! Will you or I ever see or heart it ? NO!!! They are locked away in some abscure vault in the vatican somewhere where NO-One will ever get it's true message, ahh the wonders of the Holy Roman Catholic Church... but that is a totally different topic that I won't even step to here!!! Remember the church controlled what version of the bibles made it to the public and the church is made up of MEN. (and not always the most honest of men at that!!)
Are the messages the bible tells us improtant? YES
Does it tell us how we should try to model our lives? YES
Is it a good guide to living the way the Lord wants us? YES
Should we try to live as the morals of the stories tells us? YES
Should we believe that every word is EXACTLY as the lord had said? NO!
I mean lets use our brains here modern translations of modern language books loose some of its meaning in the translation process you really think that the translator guys came upon a wrod they weren't totally familiar with and didn't just wing it as best they could??? I mean they were translating ancient words from distant lands you really think they got it all 100% correct. NOT LIKELY Remember they were HUMAN and not God, Humans make mistakes as I am sure these men did.
Blessed BE

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