What ever happened to RESPECT

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actually, just like gravity, it is a theory used to explain
observed phenomena:

we know for a fact that 65 million years ago, there were
no apes in the world.

then we find evidence of apes, but no humans.

then, finally, we find evidence of humans.

Human DNA is almost exactly the same as that of apes.

by the way, chimps and humans are more closely related,
and this can be proven by DNA, than either chimps or
humans are related to gorillas. in fact, it is scientific
FACT that the closest-realted species to humans is
the chimp.

the theory of evolution is the only theory that can succesfully
account for these observable phenomena.

You know for a FACT? How? Did you DIRECTLY observe it? If not, counselor, it is hear-say, therefore inadmissable in a court of law and merely your FAITH that it's that old. Your evidence becomes circular reasoning; the fossils are that old because the rocks are that old so the fossils are that old because the rocks are that old. And around and around we go, how old is it really? well, noone knows.

Spare me the lectures in carbon dating, isotope aging, helium loss, etc. For every document you push at me I can provide a counter viewpoint from equally brilliant scientists. Or, as I've asked before, do you believe that a scientist who is a creationist is either an ignorant buffoon or simply misunderstands science?

Who cares that our DNA is almost exactly the same? The steel alloy used in a knife might be exactly the same alloy as that used in something completely unrelated. Your 'proof' is invalid.

YOU might choose to believe you are related to a chimp, but I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

As my previous post pointed out you are observing the finished product and assuming there are/were interim accidental steps. Or do you believe in puncuated equilibrium?
Regardless, belief in evolution is faith that something happened that has no evidencial (is that a word? ah, who cares.) support.

Pointing at the end result and claiming it supports a theory that it just happened is invalid logic. Again, no complex system or organism of any type has ever been observed to simply 'happen'.

Well, gotta go for now. Dive tanks (that just happened to become filled with air) to pick up so I can dive this weekend and observe all the wonderful accidents of time. While I am diving I think I will evolve a bit and kill a few fish; after all, it's survival of the fittest and all that. Perhaps while underwater I'll start to grow some gills, eh?
Is this one of those "get my post count up" threads???

Nope. You know what it is. :dazzler1:
Who cares that our DNA is almost exactly the same?

so you think OJ is innocent, do ya?

So...anyone want to see my photos of how to stage rig a dead dog?
oh oh oh!

make it a horse and you got a deal!
Sorry Andy...Horses are simply too big to stage rig...it's not DIR...if you want to identify yourself as a complete Stroke, perhaps you might have some convoluted, messed-up, barnyard animal stupid way of bungy rigging a horse...or pony :D...but those of us on the true path only rig dogs...
I've always been troubled by the inconsistancies in the Bible. Here's a couple.

1. Cane killed Abel. Cane was banished to another land to live with another people. Since up to that point there were only 4 people on earth according to the Old Testament, Adam, Eve, Cane, and Abel. Where did those other people in the other land come from?

2. Noah bulit an Ark and moved his family and 2 of every kind of animal into for the flood. The flood happened. When the flood ended they found themselves in another land. Next thing you know the whole world is populated again. Where did everyone come from? Are we all related since the only people left after the flood were Noah and his family?

You know for a FACT? How?

Spare me the lectures in carbon dating, isotope aging, helium loss, etc.

Yeah, it's easy to have a defensible position when you're unwilling to accept refutation.

For every document you push at me I can provide a counter viewpoint from equally brilliant scientists.

And for every Bible verse you push at me, I can provide refutation from equally inspired prophets and theologians of other belief systems.

That an argument can be countered does not make it invalid. What you take as a matter of faith is yours, and no proof may shake it. Faith in science, faith in God, faith in cosmic unity, faith in salvation through karmayoga... they are all faith. That you may believe yours is the only true faith is undisputable, but no more or less valid.

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