What ever happened to RESPECT

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Since I am not involved in this thread, while I am on the board I have been moderating it.
GM while I have had to moderate you in the past, I have not done it, in this thread.

Also, if you or anyone else do need moderation, a PM will be sent.
As the evolutionary process is still running it's course I'd say that it's too soon to tell. As evolution is an on-going thing it will always be that way.

Well then, according to the THEORY, oft presented as a fact, of macro-evilution, we should be observing the birth of not-quite-humans (or whatever) that are further steps on the path, eh? Where are they? I'll answer the question; there are none. Perhaps, as SJG theorized, we don't see evilution happening (or any evidence that it ever did happen) because it's a case of punctuated equilibrium. That is, it happens in fits and starts; a dinosaur lays an egg and a bird hatches? Or a crocodile 'gives birth' to a snake?

Please do not prattle about adaptation, that is micro-evolution, being the obvious evidence for macro-evilution. It's not the same process. Adaptation within kinds is completely different from changing into a completely different kind.

Evilution as a theory fails scientifically; it is not observable, it is not testable, it is not repeatable. If you want to have faith that it did, fine. But it's nothing more than faith; you have no evidence. You observe the final product and assume that it 'just happened' despite the statistical improbability of even the most simple of complex organisms or structures having 'just happened'.
Evilution as a theory fails scientifically; it is not observable, it is not testable, it is not repeatable.

actually, just like gravity, it is a theory used to explain
observed phenomena:

we know for a fact that 65 million years ago, there were
no apes in the world.

then we find evidence of apes, but no humans.

then, finally, we find evidence of humans.

Human DNA is almost exactly the same as that of apes.

by the way, chimps and humans are more closely related
to each other (and this can be proven by DNA) than either chimps or humans
are related to gorillas. in fact, it is scientific FACT that the
closest-realted species to humans is the chimp.

the theory of evolution is the only theory that can succesfully
account for these observable phenomena.

but you're right about one thing, while i have more facts
to support evolution, my choice to believe it is no more or
less a leap of faith than your belief that God created
Adam and Eve fully formed. it's just that i don't see any
evidence in nature that supports your position, while i see
plenty that supports mine.

do some more reading here for info:

Well if you want to measure everything by your own standards - and just for a little extra we'll give you the rest of recorded human history as well - you'll have a great view no? I mean sure - lets compare 5000 years or so with the 100's of million years that is the true evolutionary time scale. Do you think you've got a good view?
Trying to belittle and put down what you don't agree with won't win the argument.
I think it is the Christians on this board that have the most to be concerned about. The obvious unbelievers know where they stand and are happy with that. Fine, good for them. We must continue to tell them there is coming a day when they will face the God they reject.
For US, hmm what awaits us?
Jesus said:
Matthew 7:21-23
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Paul added:
2 Cor. 13:5
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Someone who gets offended by the question "are you a true disciple?" always causes concern. We better be sure we are "In Christ"
actually, just like gravity, it is a theory used by the way, chimps and humans are more closely related
to each other (and this can be proven by DNA) than either chimps or humans
are related to gorillas. in fact, it is scientific FACT that the
closest-realted species to humans is the chimp.

Speak for yourself. LOL

But seriously, chimo DNA and ourse is said to what? like 3% different? How far off is the DNA of a pig?
but you're right about one thing, while i have more facts
to support evolution, my choice to believe it is no more or
less a leap of faith than your belief that God created
Adam and Eve fully formed. it's just that i don't see any
evidence in nature that supports your position, while i see
plenty that supports mine.

I read someplace recently (I can't remember where) that there was genetic evideince that all people are descended from a single female. Any one know more about that?
Speak for yourself. LOL

But seriously, chimo DNA and ourse is said to what? like 3% different? How far off is the DNA of a pig?

I read someplace recently (I can't remember where) that there was genetic evideince that all people are descended from a single female. Any one know more about that?
Well according to the Bible that would've been Eve! ;)
I read someplace recently (I can't remember where) that there was genetic evideince that all people are descended from a single female. Any one know more about that?

yes. this appears to be so. to be sure, though, roughly
50% of all human beings would have to be DNA tested,
which is beyond the scope of what anyone has tried to
do before.


before you get carried away, it does not mean that this
woman (nicknamed Eve) was the only female human around
at that time, nor was she the first female human ever.

at any rate, Eve lived about 200,000 years ago, much
too long ago to accomodate the literal reading that the
world is about 6,000 years old.

and to the sheer horror of white supremacists the world over, she was African.
I think it is the Christians on this board that have the most to be concerned about...
Someone who gets offended by the question "are you a true disciple?" always causes concern. We better be sure we are "In Christ"

Dude you missed the point of my criticism.

I know where I stand. I can speak for ME and MY SOUL. Of this I have no doubt.

I find it offensive (and completely unbiblical) for anyone else to use the phrase "claiming to be Christian" as a label in a discussion such as this...it is a veiled insult...the message behind the quote is "although you call yourself a Christian, you aren't...especially if you don't believe X, Y and Z."

It is not for any man to judge the state of anyone elses eternal position. This is my point.

Perhaps you would like to respond to some of the other questions I posed regarding love...or even your understanding of Grace?
Is this one of those "get my post count up" threads???

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