What did you learn from your very last dive...

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I learned that as I really, really, really suck as drysuit diver.

Actually - I already knew this. I just got a strong reminder.
I learned

1. that it is better to swim next to your buddy than to swim behind him where I don't get a fin to the face and he doesn't have to turn around to see if am around him.
2. That surface swims in Kelp are a pain in the ________
3. That I need to get drysuit certified and buy a drysuit since 55 degree water is too cold for a 7 mil wetsuit.
What a great thread question! Every dive I learn something, but most of the things are in the overall category of: do not take shortcuts with double-checking the gear - O-rings, velcro on BC, breathing through 2nd stage and octopus, etc, and do a formal buddy check also.

Don't make drunken new years eve promises to dive wet on new years just because one person in the group doesn't have a drysuit!
Holding it (trying not to pee) in a drysuit is enhanced by the squeeze of the suit. Holding it to the point of extreme discomfort before exiting the water, can become excrutiating when the pressure is off and the suit unzipped.

Also the porta potty is always too far away.
Holding it (trying not to pee) in a drysuit is enhanced by the squeeze of the suit. Holding it to the point of extreme discomfort before exiting the water, can become excrutiating when the pressure is off and the suit unzipped.

Also the porta potty is always too far away.

Thanks for the warning! (I just got a dry suit)

What did I learn on my last dive? That a steel 119 lasts forever on a nice leisurely dive that doesn't go much deeper than 15 feet (Pickles Reef in the Keys) and that you can get MUCH better pictures on a shallower dive!
Learned from last dive

1. Its better to use test new equipment on an easy shore dive than on a boat ie- amt of weight for your new 7ml suit.

2. Under the right conditions, anyone can get seasick.

3. Wreck dives off NY are tougher than nice warm water Caribbean style dives, challenging and rewarding but not for the weak,sensitive types.

4. Most importantly: Man, I can't wait til the next dive!!!
It was the last day of diving (not sure if the first or second dive that day) that I got a bit spooked when the reg fell out of my mouth at 60 feet, I learned several things from this:
- do not use a dangling octo: find a safe (removeable) way to clip it
- buy a hose clip so my regular reg doesn't fall so far
- be a bit closer to my buddy.

Also that weekend (although I guess I first "learned" it the day before): aluminum tanks suck!

how about that aluminum tanks suck!
Holding it (trying not to pee) in a drysuit is enhanced by the squeeze of the suit. Holding it to the point of extreme discomfort before exiting the water, can become excrutiating when the pressure is off and the suit unzipped.

Also the porta potty is always too far away.

The porta potty is ALWAYS broken!

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