What are your buddy "requirements"?

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AquaTec once bubbled...

Boy i would love to get into that with you , but i don't want to turn this into a DIR vs non DIR issue. but if someone else does then I have you in the cross hairs

He can have my 2 GUE trained buddies, I sure don't want them any more after last week.

I think thats the point, we can't choose our dive buddies by where they were trained.

I am sure you are dumping your 2 GUE divers more because of their ability and not where they were trained
I was introduced to the fellow I would be diving with as "a dive-con in training".
Turned out he wasn't even certified...still had his 2nd OW skills to do. :eek:
Go figure!

Guess that means I'll dive with anyone...once, anyway:wink:
MikeFerrara once bubbled...
I get him first, see my post above.

Hey Mike I got him back on Page One :D

JJ is coming to Sydney in a few weeks, and I am going with an open mind to listen to exactley what it is all about ....:confused:
Dive Buddy? Whats that? Ain't no dive buddy when you're killing fish.

Go ahead, start your rants. Spearfishing is a SOLO sport, be very well trained, have a ton of experience, and trust your abilities and limits.
JJ is coming to Sydney in a few weeks, and I am going with an open mind to listen to exactley what it is all about ....
So we can settle this once and for all...get his clarification on the FACT that BAR is not DIR. That way I can shut up the likes of bengiddins, aquamaniac, and all these other crocodile hunter types around here...

On second thought...tell him Aquamaniac wanted to know.. :wink:

Ok enough...in all seriousness, I will be very surprised if you are not impressed with Jarrod. He is extremely intelligent, well-spoken, and has his act together. You still may not buy DIR, but I bet you will have a lot more respect for Jarrod and his organization after talking with him.
this happened to me a few weeks ago, and I have been turning it around in my head, trying to figure out how I could have been so unperceptive...or perhaps I wanted to dive too badly...that in itself is dangerous, and hence here is my post:

My son and I were doing a 3 tank trip to the Speigel Grove. There were a total of 6 of us on the boat: my son, who is 12 and I, a family-mom, dad, and junior, and Crusty Keys Diver Guy.

Due to the depth of the SG, my son bubbled watched the first dive, but joined me on 2 & 3. Therefore, I needed a buddy for SG.

I chatted with mom, dad and junior the hour out to the site. They seemed relaxed and confident. They dove most of the time aat a quarry (I am going to be as vague as possible to protect the guilty)

Warning signs: they all 3 had different computers, did not know who made them, whose was the most conservative, or the reason I was asking these questions. They had never dived that deep, or in the ocean. BTW-I did my best to make inquiries as part of conversation, NOT an interrogation. (mistake #1?)

They also had those incredibly cheap backup regs-those little yellow flat ones. I do not know anything about them. I asked them how they were to breathe, and they said "Oh they're terrible! But they're cheap" In hindsight, that was when I should have called it off (mistake #2?) I said, "Well, I always figure that I am not going to be reaching for that reg unless something is going wrong, so I always figured I wanted a great reg hanging around my neck. They grinned and said nothing.

They asked me to lead and I said no-let dad lead and I would bring up the rear. We reviewed the plan-descend on the line to 80', go down the length of the wreck and ascend. Our gas plan was thirds unless the current ripped-in that case, 800 lbs to play, 1200 back to the line and 1000 to ascend. If the current really ripped and we were going to be picked up downstream, then thirds. I said if anyone got blown off the wreck, I would go after them and would use my bag for an ascent, but the most important thing was for the other divers to stay on the wreck and to STAY TOGETHER!

After an amazingly sloppy CF descent, we hit the wreck. All three go their buoyancy straight after a minute, and we started off. More info: Crusty Keys Diver Guy (CKDG) tagged along, next to me. Also, everyone was on air but me-I was on 32%.

We meander along for about a minute, and mom goes swimming down to the bottom! Dad picks up speed and pulls away. Junior, bless his heart, stays with me and CKDG. CKDG and I signal each other-"uh, oh-there goes mom" He shakes his head no to his going after her, so I tell him to get with junior and go after dad, and I will go after mom.

I descend to her and start signalling "up" and "get with your buddy" and she just looks at me and keeps going. We are at 125' and I am absolutely sure she has no idea how fast she is going to hit NDL and run low on gas. I keep signalling and she keeps ignoring me. After about 3 minutes of this, I finally grab her BC and pull her toward me, and swim her up a few feet until she gets the message.

We swim up and rejoin dad, junior and CKDG. I am looking at her SPG as we swim and she has 700 lbs. I have 1400.

Our plan was for a 3 minute stop at 40' and 3 minutes at 15'. We swim to the line, and begin our ascent. The whole family has their faces glued to their computers. CKDG and I are last up, and I am right at mom's side ready to pass her my primary. Finally, with no further issues, we get on the boat-she has 200 lbs left, and is in "caution"

They have NO IDEA what a CF that was! They are laughing and talking about what a great dive it was. They made no reference to anything that happened. I thought maybe mom was narced out of her skull.

On the next two dives, they were 15 minutes late both times getting back on the boat. Fortunately, I dove with my son and CKDG.

During one of the times that we were waiting for them, CKDG quietly scolded me for going after mom, telling me I risked myself and she was not worth it. While I did not feel I was at risk, I was VERY aware of my MOD-I would not take so rich a mix to 125'-but what was I supposed to do?!

Ok-in summary-what do I look for in a buddy after that?

1) adequate backup reg and demonstrated knowledge of why one is needed

2) Either no computer or an understanding that the computer is like cruise control-makes driving easier, but you had better understand what is going on and not depend on it. I know some of you folks are fans of computers, and I am not knocking you-for myslef, I prefer to be able to do my limits in my head and manually and use a computer to make life easier.

3) I want them to SWEAR to me that they will stay with me, and unquestioningly respond to my signals-that is what I do for my buddy!

4) domr confidence in their understanding of WHY we plan the dive, and why the plan must be adhered to.

Final lesson for me-don't hesitate to abandon the dive if the red flags are flying!


PS. Mom told another diver back on the dock she dove to the bottom to get the depth on her computer
chepar once bubbled...
Do you have minimum "requirements" that must be met before diving with someone? For example, I have seen over a period of time several posts in which people state they will not dive with someone unless they have at least a Rescue diver certification.

So . . . do you have requirements in certification level? Equipment used? Type of snacks brought for the SI? :)

Also, what is your reasoning behind your requirements - at least in simple recreational diving. It's understood that certain dives require certain training and experience.

Generally speaking how can you have "minimum standards" for a buddy if you're an instructor :)

Ok I'll play along - my standards are:

Sighted (not blind)
DiverBuoy once bubbled...

Generally speaking how can you have "minimum standards" for a buddy if you're an instructor :)

Ok I'll play along - my standards are:

Sighted (not blind)

Hey I took a Blind guy diving last year. his bouancy was really good as he used his ears to figure out if he was neutral.

After the Dive I asked if he had seen all the fish, he said no :upset:
Sydney_Diver once bubbled...
After the Dive I asked if he had seen all the fish, he said no :upset:
...that's bad. :wink:

But I certainly could understand how the blind guy could have such good buoyancy control.

Really... did you say that to him? :D

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