I will throw in another vote in for OMS Slipstreams; They're great fins, stiff yet flexible with a lot of power and great for doing all types of kicks.
They're lot much lighter/more neutral than Jet Fins and I like them when diving wet. When I dive dry I prefer Jet Fins or actually (you'll all laugh at me but..) Aqualung Rocket Fins (which are known to be some of the worst fins) I like having heavy fins when I dive dry but it's more of a personal preference since I also don't like ankle weights.
They're lot much lighter/more neutral than Jet Fins and I like them when diving wet. When I dive dry I prefer Jet Fins or actually (you'll all laugh at me but..) Aqualung Rocket Fins (which are known to be some of the worst fins) I like having heavy fins when I dive dry but it's more of a personal preference since I also don't like ankle weights.