Well Wishes for Kimber (TekDiveGirl)

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I just found out about Kim a couple of weeks ago, through her older brother's friend Sue. I spoke to Kim's niece last night, and just found out about this site. Not only was I happy to hear about all of the love and how many lives Kimmy has touched (you guys and gals all ROCK!), but I was happy to hear about such a vocal dive community online!

(yes, we DO scuba dive in Arizona! LOL :D )

I've known Kim since she was about a 3 foot tall, little 4 year old toe-head. I've seen this little girl grow up to be one fine woman, who's zest for life is unmatchable. As a diver myself, as well as a physical therapist for the last 18 years, I am completely amazed at the remarkable progress she seems to be making, based on the comments on some of the threads here.

My friends, Kim is a walking, talking miracle. She is truly one for the record books. I can only imagine what some of my professional collegues there at Scripps are thinking about her rehab progress....steady, cautious, but hopefull full recovery someday.
She is one, remarkable fighter. I have no doubt, with this kind of progress, that she'll be back to her old, mischevous self again before too long.

(actually, it already does sound like it, wheelie girl! LOL :banana: )

Kim, if you see this, girl, keep up the good work!! Sue H. is camping out at my house tonight on her way back to Texas (she tried getting in touch with your Mom...I'll try too!), we are thinking and praying for you!! :angel2:

Love ya kid!!

Karen S. in AZ (yeah, still kstewskis)
It wasnt that long ago that we were all happy that she was alive. These progress reports are inspiring...!
Great news!
It is amazing the recovery the body can make when the mind and will are strong like we all know Kimber's are.

Kimber- keep it up girl.
Between Kimber's post and Missdirected's tally - that's the BEST news that I've heard all week. Okay all month. Alright, all year!

You are doing an awesome job Kimber!

H - the IslandCowgirl
Great to hear the good updates from all of you (thanks Missdirected DB, Sue,..)and from Kimber herself.
Go Kimber, go girl, we are thinking of you and sending you courage from all over the world!!!
I will try to make later on this week some funny pictures with the Think Pink stuff I just got delivered to Dubai last week. Maybe some camels in the desrt with the Think Pink cap???

Big hug,

Great to hear the good updates from all of you (thanks Missdirected DB, Sue,..)and from Kimber herself.
Go Kimber, go girl, we are thinking of you and sending you courage from all over the world!!!
I will try to make later on this week some funny pictures with the Think Pink stuff I just got delivered to Dubai last week. Maybe some camels in the desrt with the Think Pink cap???

Big hug,


Camels and pink hats! That sounds very cool :D
We asked D_B if on his next visit he would take a pic of her for us, and he came through. We wanted everyone to see our girl, who was almost no longer with us a few short weeks ago, now smiling and recovering. I know personally, every time I have looked at this picture today I am inspired by her. The people here who came together for Kimber and have done so much to help her also inspire me.

I'm back from my visit with Kimber. I am happy to report that ...

My mission to amuse her was short, sweet, and extremely successful! She was to have therapy soon so I didn't stay long.

She was sitting in her wheel chair with her laptop on her lap when I walked in. It may be a while longer until she can post and read them, but not much longer, I would bet.

OK, so I suck at concentrating on the picture taking part, but if I were better at this you would see that she was absolutely having a great day looking radiant. Big smiles and much laughter and was wearing a very cute pink (what else) outfit.

Awesome!! Such great news!!! Keep giving 'em hell Kimber! Now that really put a smile on my face. Really is inspiring.:wink:

Love the pink.:D

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