Well Wishes for Kimber (TekDiveGirl)

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Goodluck and Godbless. Recovery may feel like load on your shoulders but there are people out there whether they be friends, family, etc. that will help the burden.

Kimber Kicks Rehab Butt!​

TekDiveGirl continues her rehab dominating, butt kicking progress!

She is now ranked number one in the hallway wheelchair races, able, (and more than willing), to nerf the competition into the guardrails, or throw them under the wheels, to maintain her lead.

Kimber is also continuing to have beautiful form on the parallel bars, and is expected take the home the gold medal.

We can only see good things in the future for the darling of the hospital ward

OK, a little tongue in cheek but you get the idea
She is doing fantastically well ... was up and taking steps between the parallel bars with assistance, propelling herself around the halls in a wheelchair with only an occasional pedestrian "incident" :wink: and spent some time in the garden, enjoying the sun on her face.

I wish you could talk to her, she smiles and laughs easilly .. you would never know that there is anything wrong with her, such is her good attitude and undomitable spirit.

You continue to kick rehab butt girl! :jump:
Great news DB. Thanks for the update.

Kimber has a lot of people pulling for her, glad to hear she is doing so well.
Go Kimber go!!!!

Well wishes continue for you. You are inspiring me to take my PT more seriously. Heck, maybe we'll hit the water again about the same time :D

I have had a visit with that wonder woman, Kimber :)

She continues to get stronger, better each day, sometimes a lot, sometimes just barely noticeable, all progress just the same.
She can now feed herself with some assistance .. it was great fun helping her chase that last grape around the empty bowl with her fork, oh such laughter :D

She also knows that progress does not come all at once, and is working as hard as she can to get better. I think my favorite saying right now is a quote from Almity ... "Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." ... and I have had the good grace to be in the presence of such a will.

You Continue Kicking Rehab Butt! Kimber :jump:


again, thanks DB for being there for TGirl... i know our love and well wishes are in your good hands!
D B, thanks for the the updates. We are so glad to hear she is doing well. Laughter is good for the soul. Keep smiling. Way to go Kimber!
DB Thanks for the update!

Kimber! Keep up the hard work. I think someone needs to bring you your pink boxing gloves so you can start throwing some punches.
Irene Bedard asked about my TekDiveGirl button and when she heard about Kimber, she gave me a pic of her with her horse and signed it to Kimber and Rosie :D :D


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