Well Wishes for Kimber (TekDiveGirl)

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Hi little pink winged my you are progressing!

Sending big hugs and from the vegemite Almity is sending you!

Still so overwhelmed by the generosity of people on this're never alone...get better special little princess...

Down under is sending you our strength!
Brandon and I stopped for brief visit with Kimber yesterday after a long day of diving Los Coronados on the Lois Ann. She didn't know that we were coming, so I think we caught her off guard. She was just finishing up dinner as we walked in. Her close friend, Susan, was there by her side. I was pleasantly surprised to see her picking at her French fries and feeding herself as we walked in.

Once she released who these two ocean encrusted grungy looking dudes were, her face lit up with a huge smile. She was very upbeat and pleasant throughout the visit. We chit-chatted for a few minutes. The conversation ranged from one topic to another. We talked about her progress ... which is nothing short of incredible. She mentioned that she had taken her first unassisted steps the other day. She gave us a brief demo in which she lifted and stretched both arms well above her head ... and also said that she can now answer the phone on her own. She also mentioned that her physical therapist feels that she might be ready to tackle the ladder apparatus soon. The impression that I got was that she was very committed to the physical therapy and that her personal goal is set on a full recovery.

Of course we talked a little about diving. We told her about our day of diving the Coronados ... getting face-to-face with sea lions ... Brandon's great progress in his new dry suit ... his reaching a major dive milestone today, 50 logged dives. She listened intently, and gave him a big congratulations. She expressed a little sorrow to have learned that her own dry suit layed in shreds in the back of her truck (she was cut out of it). But she then exclaimed, "but I think that DAN might cover the cost of a new one !" She definitely holds hope at the possibility of diving again some day.

Before leaving, I relayed a message from MissyP about the status of her horsie and next shipment of Twinkies. She smiled, then said, "Oh, I'm good on Twinkies !" She motioned to a Costco sized Twinkies box on a bedside table. We left her with a pretty little baby abalone shell that we picked up off the bottom off the Coronados. Brandon and I each got a big old hug from her before leaving.
Sounds great. Miss- thanks for posting Rigs message for all!
We really weren't sure if here was the best place to post the following. Perhaps a kudos thread would have been more fitting. However, we wanted to be sure each of you who has cared so much, sees it. To date this diving community has raised… are you ready? Maybe I shold wait until tomorrow? :wink: Just teasing :D Okay drum roll...


Ten Thousand Dollars

:monkeydan :wave-smil :monkeydan :wave-smil :monkeydan

This will cover the previous months household bills and an additional four months! Everything, absolutely everything, added up in a big way. We know Kimber was stunned, amazed, appreciative, shocked, and just really touched at what has been done for her. You guys are an amazing group. You have really come through in a big, big, way. Thank you so very much. You guys are awesome!!!!!

We plan on keeping all of you updated as much as we possibly can. I know many have asked what the insurance and DAN is going to cover. I am still a bit sketchy on that so I don’t want to say too much on that just yet. We do know the insurance will run out on the much needed rehabilitation therapy. As we know she is working on developing new neuron pathways. Esentially remapping her nervous system. We believe her insurance only covers twelve weeks. Not nearly enough. When we know more we will let you guys know.

Hi again, this is Kimber and I have Sue getting this update out for you. Thank you all for the great support you have been giving me. The THINK PINK stuff that put together just brought a huge smile to my face. Sue and TJ have been reading me some of the posts and I can’t thank you enough. D_B comes by about every other day and keeps me amused, well more I keep him amused trying to do things. Anyway, an update for you.

I’ve been in rehab for about three weeks now. I am in a great facility that has all of the latest equipment and procedures. My days are filled from early morning with personal care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and today I started on recreational therapy. Essentially I came in here a only able to talk, and now I can do some things. Each day I do a little bit more. Most days I even have changes and progress in the same day.

My children are staying with my Aunt and they come by almost every day. My daugther gives me great big hugs and my son tries to boss around the staff when they are not being attentive enough to me. I am so proud of how well they have handled all of this. They are real troopers. I can only imagine what was going through their tender minds during the critical days. My mom has been just great. She is taking care of my house and sees me most every day as well. The power of family just seems to be never ending.

As for me, I can walk with a little support, and can stand on my own for short periods of time. I can move my left hand and arm and I'm getting back my fine motor skills. My right arm is still not working well. The swelling in my brain has affected my vision. Things are blurry, I can’t see clearly and there are blind spots. They say that may improve with time. My biggest frustration is the delay. I tell my mind I want to do something and it takes concentration for me to do it. Also when I want to speak I have to take a moment to think about what I want to say and then it
comes out. Imagine that, me, having to slow down! When things get hectic, it's really hard to concentrate. I have some pain and I take a load of medicines for all kinds of things and they seem to be helping a bit. This has just not been all that much fun. But I do get to laugh at jokes and the things that people read to me.

A friend of mine asked me the other day “What can’t you do?” I thought about it for a moment and said. “I can do everything, it’s just going to take me a while till I can.” I am working hard, my therapists are working hard, and my dear friends and family are working hard, to help me get better.

I found my I-pod the other day so now I can listen to some music. Sue and TJ have just been the best girlfriends one can ever have. They give to me without hesitation and are there for me every step of the way. Sue went shopping for me the other day as I was getting just a bit tired of hospital clothing. A girl needs her stuff right?

So that’s it for now. Everyday a little more. Thanks again to all of you who have contributed to the recovery fund, every bit helps.

Thank you all again and again for your concern and
good wishes.

Love to you all.

Good to hear from you Kimber. Just keep concentrating on getting better. Much love to your kids.
What an awesome group of people you guys are , Just Awesome! :jump:

I wish I could personally thank each and every one of you here.
You all have gone so far out your way to help someone, someone that most of you have never met, but consider a close friend anyway ... you guys are all just the most awesome bunch anywhere and I love you all

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