Well Wishes for Kimber (TekDiveGirl)

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Well, I did get my shirt but it was a little smaller than I thought it would be. So when I drop another 10 lbs. I'll post a photo. :D
Glad to hear Kimber is improving. I send any messages to her through DB. Gotta give the girl a chance to breath.
Great news!
Ditto on what DB said! :smiliee: Keep it up Kimber! I love to get my nails done... toes, too... :hm: .... I should :auto: down there to finally meet you. I would love to treat you to manicure and pedicure, afterall we can't leave the poor toes out, can we? Want to go to get our nails done next week (or the following), if you are up to it? Oohhh, we should get some ice cream, too. :icecream1 Did you know that in my world, ice cream, especially chocolate, strawberry, or Cherry Garcia :icecream has no fat, no carbs and is recommended by the LRA* , to have at least two servings a day? :laughing: (My head is such a great world to live in, isn't it? ATGAICS** )

My back is getting well enough to be in a car for about 2-3 hours without seizing, so some pampering could be powerful medicine for us both :yelclap: (Guys, don't :1poke: fun at the better good a wonderful day at a spa can yield. It can take a day that started out like this :bawling:, needing lots of :giveusahu and feeling generally :toilet into a :partytime thats makes you feel like :jump: and you just want to give everyone a :10:!)

Keep up the hard work and know I am thinking about you!

*ya know.... Laurel's Recquired Allowances <batting eyes>
**ATGAICS... about to get an ice cream scoop <rotflmbbao>
Ditto on what DB said! :smiliee: Keep it up Kimber! I love to get my nails done... toes, too... :hm: .... I should :auto: down there to finally meet you. I would love to treat you to manicure and pedicure, afterall we can't leave the poor toes out, can we? Want to go to get our nails done next week (or the following), if you are up to it? Oohhh, we should get some ice cream, too. :icecream1 Did you know that in my world, ice cream, especially chocolate, strawberry, or Cherry Garcia :icecream has no fat, no carbs and is recommended by the LRA* , to have at least two servings a day? :laughing: (My head is such a great world to live in, isn't it? ATGAICS** )

My back is getting well enough to be in a car for about 2-3 hours without seizing, so some pampering could be powerful medicine for us both :yelclap: (Guys, don't :1poke: fun at the better good a wonderful day at a spa can yield. It can take a day that started out like this :bawling:, needing lots of :giveusahu and feeling generally :toilet into a :partytime thats makes you feel like :jump: and you just want to give everyone a :10:!)

:rofl2: zing, zing, zing. I think I was like this driving home from the keys yesterday after 8 red bulls
Good to hear D_B!! Thanks!!

Keep it up Kimber!!
thanks DB - your news helps put in prospective the battle she faces each day... she has come along way and has a ways still to go but if there is ever a person to tackle this, Kimber is the woman!!

way to go Kimber! you are a inspiration and my love is with you!!!
Some insight on a strong woman

Kimber has a long ways to go yet in rehab, and progress is sometimes so painfully slow you might think that would be discouraging to her .. she won't allow it, not for a minute ... she has a way of turning things around, looks at it as her challenge. This woman has never backed away from anything in her life, this is no exception.

She has such a great disposition I am wishing once again , that you could visit with her, to see just how happy she truly is, so ready to smile, to laugh .. you come away from the visit refreshed, that in going to cheer her up, she has somehow cheered you instead, and your the one the better for your visit with her


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