Thanks for that. But I note it differs from the AAUS interpretation of how OSHA applies to scientific diving irrelevant of the umbrella that the scientific diving is being conducted under....
Following AAUS standards doesn't seem mandatory, it just appears to be one accepted way for Cave CCR scientific diving of meeting the OSHA exemptions.... One would presume based on the below that WKPP and KUR if "scientific diving" as per the permits for this events dive meet the below in their own way.
"In 1982, OSHA exempted scientific diving from commercial diving regulations
(29CFR1910, Subpart T) under certain conditions that are outlined below. The final guidelines
for the exemption became effective in 1985 (Federal Register, Vol. 50, No.6, p.1046). AAUS is
recognized by OSHA as the scientific diving standard setting organization.
Scientific Diving Definition
Scientific diving is defined (29CFR1910.402) as:
“Diving performed solely as a necessary part of a scientific, research, or educational activity by
employees whose sole purpose for diving is to perform scientific research tasks. Scientific diving
does not include performing any tasks usually associated with commercial diving such as:
Placing or removing heavy objects underwater; inspection of pipelines and similar objects;
construction; demolition; cutting or welding; or the use of explosives.”
Scientific Diving Exemption
The two elements that a diving program must contain as defined by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910
Subpart T 1910.401(a)(2)(iv) are:
a) Diving safety manual which includes at a minimum: Procedures covering all diving
operations specific to the program; procedures for emergency care, including
recompression and evacuation; and criteria for diver training and certification.
b) Diving control (safety) board, with the majority of its members being active divers,
which must at a minimum have the authority to: Approve and monitor diving projects;
review and revise the diving safety manual; assure compliance with the manual; certify
the depths to which a diver has been trained; take disciplinary action for unsafe practices;
and, assure adherence to the buddy system (a diver is accompanied by and is in continuous contact with another diver in the water) for SCUBA diving.
OSHA has granted an exemption for scientific diving from commercial diving regulations under
the following guidelines (Appendix B to 29 CFR 1910 Subpart T):
• The Diving Control Board consists of a majority of active scientific divers and has
autonomous and absolute authority over the scientific diving program’s operation.
• The purpose of the project using scientific diving is the advancement of science; therefore,
information and data resulting from the project are non-proprietary.
• The tasks of a scientific diver are those of an observer and data gatherer. Construction and
trouble-shooting tasks traditionally associated with commercial diving are not included
within scientific diving.
• Scientific divers, based on the nature of their activities, must use scientific expertise in
studying the underwater environment and therefore, are scientists or scientists-in-training."