This is bad advice, gleaned from dubious sources, with little or no scientific basis. Ignore it. Consult the
CDC's WEBSITE. Perhaps ask your question in the Medical Forum here and ignore the advice of laypeople.
As has been suggested, whether or not you travel "rough" may determine your needs as much as what country you visit.
You prefer to believe in a pharmaceutically funded and driven world where the END GAME is to deliver a constant flood of drugs people will feel they need...the drugs are not created to CURE ever--this would mean small future revenue for Stockholders.....The Drugs are created to mitigate or relieve symtoms...Typically taking one drug for more than a short while, will mean side effects that can then instill a desire for another drug to relieve those symptoms....and this snowballs exponentially in our population of Americans looking for the Magic Pill to becoming healthy. How can a person of any intelligence, watch the typical drug commercials on TV, and not be freaked out of their mind with all the terrible events that are discussed as possible reactions to the drugs, in the disclaimers...
Certainly there are some "medicines" that are crucial and needed....Like when you cut yourself out in the wilderness ( or backyard) and the cut gets infected, heading for septicemia.... The issue is not entirely Black and White.
However, there is so much abuse by the Advertising Power of the Pharmaceutical Industry, along with this TREAT THE SYMPTOM based indoctrination they have managed to instill among our Medical Schools, that the actual CURES are overlooked, a great deal of the time....Cures that can not be patented, and that are nutrition or health based, and which could cost billions to the Pharmaceuticals if they became widespread.
Sugar is the posterchild for my point. Virtually ignored as a major cause of hyperactivity in children, and many other childhood diseases, the industry demands DRUGS rather than forcing the family to remove sugar ( or most sugar) from the diet of the child. Insulin Resistance in adults is met with the drug solution for life, rather than making attempts to fix the nutrition mistakes which caused this, and to reset the body--eliminate the resistance, by resetting with Vanadyl sulfate and a low carb low sugar diet. Of course, this would end a billion dollar industry, one that spawns purchases or many other drugs for the complications of Diabetes....statins, and a whole host of expensive "take for life" type money makers. If the CDC had a clue, it should have removed High Fructose Corn syrup from American Foods long ago, and dealt with the Sugar Problem in America. Agencies like the FDA appear to be funded and controlled by the Pharmaceutical world and poison producers like Big Sugar, and so they protect the worst threats, and then attack the Healthy but weak players that could hurt the profit margins of the big boys....This ties in nicely with all the attacks on the Family Farm, and all the assistance to the Factory Farms.
Regarding Vaccines, I have been reading Mercola's nutrition advice for over 20 years....The vast majority of his big issues, are always proven in time. I would trust Mercola and his opinion on Vaccines long before I would trust the Pharmaceutical giants out to make money. But hey, if you want to poisen yourself with Aluminum or Mercury, or thimerosol, that is your choice. You can believe who you want to believe.. But if you think the Science you and I both based our earlier educations on, is the Pristine source of Truth it once was, I think you need some Reality checks. We live in a world where with enough money, a Study can "find for" just about anything. Since the public is not interested in Critical Review of Science or Medical Journal articles, they will just never see beyond the Advertising. And "blindly" following Vacination protocols is not helping