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So rather than having vaccinations backed up by medical research to prevent some pretty awful diseases based on some myths about what is in the vaccines....slather yourself in DEET, which is oh so good for you.....

For me to decide we are dealing with "myths", I would prefer to watch a debate between Mercola and a top Scientific Advisor for the Vacination protocols. Then I would like to check in to each of the cites used by either, that represent foundation issues in question. In fact, I expect someting like this will happen.
You don't have to be a scientist to figure this one out, Dan, you just have to know a little recent history. Look up smallpox, polio, Louis Pasteur, Jonas Salk, etc. Or just walk around Hong Kong and see how many older people are dragging deformed limbs around because they weren't vaccinated for polio. Just the older generation though—and perhaps a future generation, if you and your cohort have your way. But if you and Jenny McCarthy (nice intellectual company you're keeping) insist on piggybacking the herd immunity, it would be a lot smarter to not talk the rest of the herd out of getting immunized.
You don't have to be a scientist to figure this one out, Dan, you just have to know a little recent history. Look up smallpox, polio, Louis Pasteur, Jonas Salk, etc. Or just walk around Hong Kong and see how many older people are dragging deformed limbs around because they weren't vaccinated for polio. But if you and Jenny McCarthy (nice intellectual company you're keeping) insist on piggybacking the herd immunity, it would be a lot smarter not to talk the herd out of getting immunized.

Back to where I was suggesting this is not all Black and White...there may be several threats like Polio, where the damage potential of the disease, and the potential reward of the vaccine totally mitigates the side effects which would be introduced by the vaccine. The Swine Flu vaccines would be far more in line with the point I am interested in....that there are so many variations of this flu during each "season", and the vaccine only addresses a small percentage of the strains potentially threatening each population. Blindly taking this vaccine every year, along with other similar vaccines for similar threats, means degrading your immune system every year.

Mercola's ideas on the Hepatitis Vaccines are some that should be tested.....Knowing which side of this has the faulty science would be REAL NEWS.....Getting a REAL test of the two sides has so far been elusive....As of now, I will believe Mercola, as he appears to have a HEALTH AGENDA--and it is my belief that the Pharmaceutical Giants that profit from Vacines -- and profit from driving the public TO vaccines, are devoid of Moral structure---they do not deal in Right or Wrong, they do not concern themselves with a direction of the "Greatest Good"..though they are very keen on the idea of "Greatest Profit". We know this is at the direct EXPENSE of the public health, so this is not about free enterprise or is about the lack of morals in huge corporations controlled by Stockholder profits.

Mercola goes for REAL CURES . Big Pharma goes for curing symtoms, and gaining drug addicts for life.

---------- Post added April 29th, 2012 at 10:00 AM ----------

So rather than having vaccinations backed up by medical research to prevent some pretty awful diseases based on some myths about what is in the vaccines....slather yourself in DEET, which is oh so good for you.....

There are quite a few bug sprays on the market, with very effective ingredients such as Citronella Oil, Lemongrass Oil, and Peppermint Oil that will do the job just fine, without injuring your body.

You actually make my point for me, by showcasing yet another instance where the FDA effectively endorses harmful bug spray products and fails to inform the Public that much healthier alternative exist.
If you haven't seen it or haven't experienced it I guess it doesn't matter. Polio is a nasty disease. I know! I was one of the lucky ones that the disease didn't devastate.
there is quite a lot of misinformation there

first of all HEP A is acquired by eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated by the faeces of infected individuals.
whereas HEP B can be contracted by contact with blood from an infected person – transfusion of infected blood and blood products or by contaminated needles used by drug addicts, tattooists or acupuncturists.

second of all eating at high end restaurants doesn't protect you from contracting HEP A
with an incubation period of 10 to 40 days how do they know their staff is no infected?
i would love to see a restaurant that tests their employees for HEP A on regular basis

to the OP: HEP A and HEP B are a concern anywhere in the world, 1 star to 5 star resort, my advise to you is get the Twinrix (hepatitis A and B vaccine), i did, follow the standard 0, 1, 6 month schedule to be completed and you are good for life
small price to pay considering the horrible consequences of contracting those viruses

for the love of His Noodly Appendage, educate yourself before making such statements
My experience is that the better restaurants in areas where there are water born risks and that cater to a tourist clientele many times have secondary water filter system if for no other reason than to take care of the stray amoeba that will give you the ****s.

As for Heb B, your right that it is spread by body fluids, in a kitchen this is very easy to do as as kitchens are filled with nice sharp knifes. But a better kitchen tends to have better trained cooks who don't cut themselves as much or know to re-wash or dispose of foods that may have been contaminated.

Nothing is perfect in any of the above which is why I think you should get the vaccines and you should also have a resistance test done to make sure that you have actuality developed Hep A & B resistance.
I'm glad Dan's guru isn't in charge of vaccines. I might agree with his stand on too many drugs treating symptoms to some extent, but preventing disease is high on my priorities. As long as most around Dan get vaccinated for the big ones tho, he still enjoys herd protections.

So rather than having vaccinations backed up by medical research to prevent some pretty awful diseases based on some myths about what is in the vaccines....slather yourself in DEET, which is oh so good for you.....
I don't think that will help him avoid Hep A in the least. I tell ya', it's a good idea even for living in the US, much less traveling. The malaria & typhoid meds are debatable for his trip - and I do skip the latter, but he still needs the DEET or other proven protection for dengue - and there are some other choices.

there is quite a lot of misinformation there

first of all HEP A is acquired by eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated by the faeces of infected individuals.
whereas HEP B can be contracted by contact with blood from an infected person – transfusion of infected blood and blood products or by contaminated needles used by drug addicts, tattooists or acupuncturists.
I was thinking that was correct, plus Hep B can be transmitted sexually. We'd like to think that both could be avoided by our choices, but that just doesn't always work.

second of all eating at high end restaurants doesn't protect you from contracting HEP A
with an incubation period of 10 to 40 days how do they know their staff is no infected?
i would love to see a restaurant that tests their employees for HEP A on regular basis
I wish they all required Hep A vaccinations, but that won't happen in Texas, much less Belize.

to the OP: HEP A and HEP B are a concern anywhere in the world, 1 star to 5 star resort, my advise to you is get the Twinrix (hepatitis A and B vaccine), i did, follow the standard 0, 1, 6 month schedule to be completed and you are good for life
small price to pay considering the horrible consequences of contracting those viruses
I was think that Hep B was a 3 shot routine, but the OP already has that. He just needs the 2 shot Hep A to protect his liver.

for the love of His Noodly Appendage, educate yourself before making such statements
If you haven't seen it or haven't experienced it I guess it doesn't matter. Polio is a nasty disease. I know! I was one of the lucky ones that the disease didn't devastate.

I am not arguing against the Polio Vaccine. I did know people back in the 60's ( friends of my grandparents), that had been devastated by Polio.

What I am saying is that "Just because the Polio Vaccine" was a good thing to take, does not mean that "EVERY NEW vaccine" created, should be put on a list of "Must Haves". I think Big Pharma figured out a way to make astronomical amounts of money with almost no investment cost required. Scaring the public with the help of their friends in the CDC, and the National News Services ( corporate owned with interest in ratings and not in Truthful Reporting--and a willing partner in propagating Agendas such as Swine Flu profiteering) became a model for Income Production which is far more effective than standard advertising, and of course far less expensive.
The Swine Flu vaccines would be far more in line with the point I am interested in....
Nobody is suggesting that the OP get a swine flu shot for his trip to Belize.

Mercola's ideas on the Hepatitis Vaccines are some that should be tested....
Mercola goes for REAL CURES
It sounds like you've drunk the osteopath Mercola's kool-aid. Why not extend to him the same skepticism you have for clinical trials, at least? I can never understand the comparative weighting that conspiracists use to gauge credibility.

There are quite a few bug sprays on the market, with very effective ingredients such as Citronella Oil, Lemongrass Oil, and Peppermint Oil that will do the job just fine, without injuring your body.
More bad advice. All of the oils you name, and Skin-So-Soft, as well, have failed to show anything but slight effectiveness in tests (some TESTS by University of Florida researchers.) Lemon eucalyptus oil (in Repel) works, however, and there are other chemicals besides DEET (Picaridin, and others).
I am not arguing against the Polio Vaccine. I did know people back in the 60's ( friends of my grandparents), that had been devastated by Polio.

What I am saying is that "Just because the Polio Vaccine" was a good thing to take, does not mean that "EVERY NEW vaccine" created, should be put on a list of "Must Haves". I think Big Pharma figured out a way to make astronomical amounts of money with almost no investment cost required. Scaring the public with the help of their friends in the CDC, and the National News Services ( corporate owned with interest in ratings and not in Truthful Reporting--and a willing partner in propagating Agendas such as Swine Flu profiteering) became a model for Income Production which is far more effective than standard advertising, and of course far less expensive.

I don't suggest every vaccine that come out either. However, it is up to the individual to decide which is right. The flu vaccine for those who are in the high risk category it is a no brainer.

You are a diver, isn't it all about risk mitigation?
It sounds like you've drunk the osteopath Mercola's kool-aid. Why not extend to him the same skepticism you have for clinical trials, at least? I can never understand the comparative weighting that conspiracists use to gauge credibility.
For over 20 years I have based my Health ideas on Mercola ideas. I have always used this for sports nutrition....Today at 57 years old, I am much faster than most 30 year old cyclists on A1A ( able to sustain 25 mph or more by myself for an hour in a time trial), I am rarely sick, and I take zero prescription medicines. If I drank "your Kool-aid" and took the advices of Big Pharma, it is highly unlikely I could do a fraction of the things I enjoy doing today. Seriously!

Also... I have NEVER met an MD that actually had a good handle on Nutrition or Sports Nutrition. You do know they get like an Hour of this in Med School.
My brother Rick is a dentist in Buffalo, and many of his friends from UB Medical School ( he went to Dental School there) became my friends. These guys still come to Rick to this day, for Nutrition advice....Rick used the information available in Dental School on Nutrition, to go far beyond the norm for background, and used this to gain competitive advantage in Cycling as a Cat 3 racer and Time Trialist. The point here being, I am friends with many MD's, I really like and respect them, but they are NOT the people I would go to for Nutritional Advice.

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