Trailer Stolen

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Sorry to hear about that Randy :(
Crap! You just can't catch a break!

My guess is that the thieves are not divers. They probably won't have a clue about what the tanks are. I would guess that the trailer contents get tossed out with the trash. These guys were after the trailer.
Sorry to hear about the theft. My guess would be that the trailer is already south of the border. Was the trailer solid white or did you have any logos painted on it?
To the last of my knowledge, Texans can use lethal force to protect life and property. My preferred choice of home defense is a 12 gauge shotgun with 00 buck. :crafty:

Kinda tough when all ya see are tail lights....:eyebrow:
The trailer is white, but had stickers/decals on the back. One said 'Ice Diver' the rest were pretty much random bumper stickers or dive equipment logo's etc.

If it is not recovered, i will probably get another one just like it, but will store it in the garage instead of the drive way. My car was even parked behind it, so they had to pull the trailer out from in front of it across the yard, looks like that might have been done by hand as there were no tracks in the yard that were deep enough to be made by a vehicle.

I pretty much made it a habit not to store anything in the trailer that would break my heart if it got broken into (it was broken into in the past, so I put a heftier lock on it), I just didn't think anyone would go to the effort to break off the tongue locks and steal the whole thing. I have 4 other tanks, so these weren't my only ones, and the pop-up shelter was damaged and going to need replacement/repair anyway.

Thanks everyone for your support.

Official report: "Driver was in reverse and trying to run me down"
Official response: "Have a good evening"

There ya go.....:ar15:
sorry to hear about the trailer loss.... I know it would just make me both sick and pissed off, especially if it was full of gear.

I'm really surprised that more trailers/boats aren't stolen. I mean they are so easy to steal, even with padlocks on the tounge...

Here's a cheap solution to make it harder for them to steal... (from what I posted in another thread...

you can get a "Hitch Lock" that keeps someone from being able to put the hitch on their trailer tow bar/ball.

chances are if you have a scuba trailer full of gear then it's not fully covered by insurance for everything that's in it.

all kinds of makes/brands of this... I've seen them for $30 to $40 bucks


here is another one


or a trailer wheel lock


I'm sorry to hear about that. I've been ripped off a few times lately, and it never fails to upset me when it happens to someone I know (even if it's only from lurking in the swamp divers board) I'll put out the word to my DFW friends to be on the lookout for it. Are there any identifying markings or graphics? Any stickers, dive flags, or custom paint would help. Granted it's in a huge metro area and it's probably stripped and repainted or moved, but I hope you recover your investment.
Best of luck with the PD and insurance.

Were they hydro'd in 07? There's two tanks on craigslist that are being sold in the dallas area that were hydro'd in 07, maybe the guy was thinking about stealing and selling?

Also, do you have the serial numbers for the tanks? You can give those to police and ask them to check the pawn shops in the area for them.

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