Meaning, I assume, that killing for clothes is a bad Idea.
close; but wrong.
my point was the same people that complain about a few dead sharks are probably running around with leather shoes, jackets and wallets and use animal by-products on an everyday basis.
thanks for the anthropology lesson though... that bit about our ancestors clothing themselves with dead animals was fascinating. :icorolley
LavaSurfer:Is there is difference between killing animals that live on land or in the water?
The comment was made "ill do you one better: fashion." Meaning, I assume, that killing for clothes is a bad Idea. Although the practice of clothing ourselves in dead animals dates back before we could write or communicate.
Hmmm, I have a lot of leather shoes, boots, Jackets and Turtle guitar picks and just last week I ate a great turtle steak with a nice Cajun turtle soup in Grand Cayman.
Where do we draw the line?
I say we draw it when the killing is in excess and endangers the species but then thats a relitive and very grey line. The turtles I ate were farmed and actually contribute to the overall population of an otherwise endangered species.
This is one of those topics like abortion, Religion and politics. Yuck!