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Columbia, Mo
Simbrooks is now at Hibiscus, Scuba Jenny is directing SB members to the local bar and Simbrooks would realy would prefer to do a night dive than hit the bars ( what's wrong with this alien?). Simbrooks will be waking from the COUCH. What will be the outcome tomorrow or even Sat......don't ask me I'm heading down there tomorrow.

Oh and Andy....NO MINT FOR YOU!!
Inebriation comes to mind....
Ya think?!
Hey Jenny do you have enough green ink for H2?!

"No boat dives for you!"...dive nazi
So what's up for tonight? Cocktails or night dive?

So, let me get this straight....while my part-time dive buddy vascilates between the decision to night dive or go out drinking, I am stuck behind a computer until dawn, working on graduate homework and dreading the bonding girls-day out of pedicures and manicures with sister and mother tomorrow. Sniff, sniff....oh to be simbrooks this weekend!!! :( You better bring me back some good stories, Simon! (and maybe some bacardi....)
Well, just drown your sorrows in Alexander at 8 A.M. on Sunday! While the upper crust of the Conch Divers are suiting up for a deep wreck in The Upper Keys, the lowly fool shall be "gator diving" at his pathetic local hole. Anyone care to join me??!!
Well, just drown your sorrows in Alexander at 8 A.M. on Sunday! While the upper crust of the Conch Divers are suiting up for a deep wreck in The Upper Keys, the lowly fool shall be "gator diving" at his pathetic local hole. Anyone care to join me??!!

I would love to, but simbrooks took my tanks and I'm stuck babysitting my nephews in Tallahassee on Sunday morning. Alas, diving was not meant to be this weekend! Enjoy getting wet, though...
You should have joined the rest of us that couldn't make the Key Largo boat trip. We'll be having a blast at Lauderdale by the Sea in the morning - come on down. Bag the girlie day and dive with us!

And I'll bring the rum!
I fear once more my name has been dragged through the mud. Yes of course after a drive down from Orlando i wanted to start the weekend off right, by diving my face off rather than having a drink. Although i dont mind socialising over a drink, i was up for diving the whole weekend! Everything still went fine, didnt do the 12 dives in the weekend i was hoping for, but 9 was a good start.

Becky, sorry about the tanks, but you did offer and they did come in useful. :wink:

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