Chiming in on this one because I'm an Aldora diver, and feeling sympathetic to your under-the-weather dive. Yeah, +1 on the possibility of narcosis, but could also be hypercapnia... CO2 buildup. You'd definitely be a bit more susceptible to it after a night of drinking, perhaps breathing a bit more weakly than normal because you were tired.
Hopefully you never find yourself in this situation again, and even if you did, you can't develop a tolerance to narcosis, but IF it was hypercapnia, you can fix this pretty easily by emphasizing your out breaths. Just make sure that occasionally you (somewhat) forcefully expel all your gas, followed by a normal inhalation, and hypercapnia goes away in a couple minutes (or just never starts in the first place).
I used to have semi-regular headaches while diving before I discovered this trick, and even had a couple incidents of vertigo/anxiety at depth. This breathing practice has dispelled all of that for me.