the tropics are waking up

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Not going to CZM but Tulum 9-17 so paying close attention as well
Heading to CZM 7-12th here too. Last minute trip to take advantage of the low season prices! Haven't booked place yet, still waiting for a few days to see how things pan out in case we need to audible. Gonna hit up Scuba Club or Blue Angel if all looks good.

However, it's my understanding that 50/60% rain, scattered t-storms is pretty typical forecast for Cozumel this time of year, correct? And minus a big tropical storm, that typically means good diving and sun with an hour of rain here and there every day. Is that fairly accurate?
Heading to CZM 7-12th here too. Last minute trip to take advantage of the low season prices! Haven't booked place yet, still waiting for a few days to see how things pan out in case we need to audible. Gonna hit up Scuba Club or Blue Angel if all looks good.

However, it's my understanding that 50/60% rain, scattered t-storms is pretty typical forecast for Cozumel this time of year, correct? And minus a big tropical storm, that typically means good diving and sun with an hour of rain here and there every day. Is that fairly accurate?
Pretty much. It's also not unusual for it to be raining on one part of the island and sunny on another.
Came upon this graphic which I find interesting for reference. Basically shifting a single band down should work for Cozumel.

Will be in Cozumel on Sat, but I’m in Playa now. It’s hot & humid. Rain sprinkles occasionally, clouds over, then the sun comes out. It’s fine. Yay!! 👍🏼😃👍🏼
Figures, a hurricane hitting Baja Mexico might be what screws up my trip to Playa and not a hurricane in that region lol
So far all the disturbances that have come off the western coast of Africa have been slicing to the right and veering to the north before they can enter the Caribbean or the Gulf.

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