The All-Inclusive Fall Megadive Thread (October 3-5 2008)

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i'm good with first weekend! let's get karstified!

gibby, if you & jean want to spearhead that part of the organization, i think that sounds fine. if you look at it & it's too much worry, that's ok too.

david, you get it going & i bet ken can't stay away... :wink: then you can back out of the lead position if you want. or you can fight him. that would be an interesting campfire event.
I just had a call from da Fool...
I am now reading the posts and it looks like we are settling in on the first weekend in October instead of Halloween weekend. It seems to present less schedule conflicts. Lil B's birthday is September 30, and he'll be 7 years old, so it will be a cool birthday weekend for him. As for the "no water balloons"... we are looking at alternative ammunition for the treb. I have some ideas and it may surely frighten the locals! I'll finish reading the posts after I've had some sleep and will attempt to make coherent comments. :wink:
"attempt being the operative word"
K! Just finished reading posts, (no sleep yet so bear with me), The first weekend seems to be the best, so the gavel hits Gibby on the head and it's a done deal! October 3,4,5 are the dates at Turkey Roost. The sooner we can get the site reserved, the better. I'll experiment with Treb ammo and post results. Water cannons! Now there's an idea!!! Like spud cannons but of water. Hmmmmm... wonder where I could find enough compressed air for that at a megadive. Will have to look into that. :wink: "Elf needs sleep badly..."
Uh oh,... ideas coming to mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh heh, uh heh, uh heh heh heh!! Heeeeee!
We will call it the "Alan Parsons Project!"
"Sharks with fricking laser beams on their heads?"
A battery of water cannons powered by compressed air that can soak people even on the other side of the river set up as high volume anti otter mortars?!
Uh,... ok. "Elf is about to die..."
As for glass containers at ginnie, note: read the small, handmade labels near the neck of the 2 liter soda bottles BEFORE pouring drinks for children, it may not be Shasta! problem solved. :wink:
Fight around the camp fire between me and da fool?!
Hmmm, me-30 years martial arts experience, Da Fool- 30 years of gaseous, flatulence buildup,...
Do NOT let him cut loose near the fire!

"Elf has been knocked unconscious by sleep spell. "

More on this later!
I'll be in Alabama this week (EEK) but when I get back , I can come over to Ginnie when you are working and we can work out the logistics for that weekend. I'll bring my little wallet too !!!!! (SMILE)


IF the group rate thingie isn't doable , well then , we can do it the other way too. Me don't mind that. Me just wanna make people's most happy and serene. HEY , lets all go cave diving (zips lip)
Too bad I will not make it this year on that date. Everyone have a good time, I will be in Georgia. The galaxy dive was great last year. Son-in-law somehow caught a crawfish during the galaxy dive.
First weekend in October....RATS!!! I will be in Aruba. I may never get to use those 2 passes I got a couple of years ago when I went for the clean up.

Shame it is not one of the last 2 weekends in October....sigh...
Ahhh. I appreciate you guys not conflicting with Vortoberfest but I still have a scheduling conflict. My son Josh is getting married Oct 4th so that puts me out again. :( We have a busy October with something going on every weekend except the 2nd weekend of October. I thought for sure I would make it this year.
Everyone have a great time and I hope to catch you next year. :)
sorry to lose you guys...
Jah Jah is a salty! Jah Jah is a salty!
ooh, jenny, thought of you today! saw a tshirt in a catalog that said 'time flies when you're having rum!'

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