St Catharines Area Dive March 28th

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Weather looks pretty good for tomorrow. Just a chance of showers:


We'll see everyone at the dock in the morning.
We had awesome surface conditions today. The water was flat calm and the rain held off til after we were done.
Thanks to advtech for straightening out the mooring.
Unfortunately it put scuba_steve out of work for the dive so he had to go enjoy the wreck.
Weather dependent we will be out every weekend in April. The Roy E. will be moved back to Rockport May 1.
Thanks to everyone who has been out the last two months, we hope you all had great dives. We look forward to getting those of you that were blown off out this month.
Yes you certainly can tell, who are the "old experienced guys" on a day like yesterday. 37 degree water, and AdvTech is out there working his butt off with stinkin' wet gloves (If they were even that) He may as well have been bare handed. Not only that, he must have been in the water for 40-45 minutes!

Hardcore to the bone. Call me PATSY!

Ditto for the captain and crew. Running the lake, picking up logs, bigger logs and a TREE (almost) for pete's sake. Tieing them off and dragging them in so some other poor boater doesn't get impaled on them. Good work. You can tell they're not just "driving out and driving back". They've got the whole show, and they know how to do it.

What am I saying? Support these guys, they've earned it!

I lost the job to the "Union" guy :-(, but it didn't mean I couldn't learn from watching him. Thanks to Advtech for discussing my neckseal problem too.

I think we still have the pulley system to do, don't we?

I think we still have the pulley system to do, don't we?


I believe it is still in good order. advtech said he did not need it.

He was not only wearing neoprene gloves but three finger ones also. He was undoing shackles and placing tie wraps underwater.

Sorry for the delay in with towing that big log:) We had to pull it up the boat ramp with the truck and it took four of us to roll it out of the way. We're planning a driftwood bonfire with everything we picked up yesterday.
No apologies neccessary. Sure I was freezing my soggy butt off, but after watching what Advtech had to endure, I figured I'd suck-it-up and slowly freeze to death. I've been there before, it doesn't hurt much after a while. Last time I was hositalized (no joke)(not diving related), which is why, in my opinion, I can't take it like I used too. Plus the fact that I am an old fart compared to Divemitress, Gatorboy etc.

So what did you get, 3 or 4 chords of wood :)
Yes you certainly can tell, who are the "old experienced guys" on a day like yesterday. 37 degree water, and AdvTech is out there working his butt off with stinkin' wet gloves (If they were even that) He may as well have been bare handed. Not only that, he must have been in the water for 40-45 minutes!

Hardcore to the bone. Call me PATSY!

I think we still have the pulley system to do, don't we?


Everything is complete and the way it should be. The pulley was still attached to the wreck and it was just the line and jug I had to replace. I suspect that it was the light chain that was added for the winter mooring that chaffed the line through as there is nothing else near it. If it had been snagged by an anchor or anything else, the plastic pulley would have let go. Those lines usually last for years. If you plan on running next winter, maybe do away with your chain and just attach your light floating line to the ring at the top of our chains.

Unfortunatley, unlike The Lake Erie moorings we can't leave the heavy line up with a jug attached as the freighters will snag it and do damage to either themselves or the system.

The chain you had problems with was not a problem. My guess is that with no boat attached to add tension, it just untangled itself. There was only one knot right at the top that I had to undo to get room to get a wrench on the shackle pin. I used a 100# bag to send the chain and Pearl Dive Charters anchor to the surface for Johnathon to catch.

The last thing I did was remove the extra shackle where the buoy chain joined the line. I had given Johnahon two in event that one got dropped or lost. They weren't both needed. There was really no need to remove it, but I had to be there for deco anyway. Time passes faster when your having fun.

The 1/8" mitts were fine for the time I was in the water.
I actually prefer them when working with small shackles, tie wraps etc. over my more bulky dry gloves. They have the advantage that you can get them off easily if you need you fingers for something. More important, they go back on easily as well. If going deeper or staying longer, I would have used the dry ones.

A couple of more weeks and we'll start on the Lake Erie ones.

Yeah I didn't like the 2-shackle thing at the top either, but that's how we left it for the time being. We didn't leave any "loose pins", so as to not endanger anything until we/you/someone could fix it later. I guess you threaded the pulley as the last task (Probably what you were starting to do as I was leaving the wreck.) I saw the pulley itself was still there but the line was gone. I also assumed the problem chain.......wasn't, as I didn't see any major muscling needing doing. Something must have happned to free it up. I may be prone to narcosis at 105ft somtimes, but 2 of us couldn't have been wrong (D/Mistress and I) about it's state last weekend.

Mmmm Lake Erie, need an apprentice?
Don't you guys work for a living? Who else can make posts in the middle of the afternoon? Poor Steve, advtech put you to shame last weekend.
Don't you guys work for a living? Who else can make posts in the middle of the afternoon? Poor Gilbert, advtech put you to shame last weekend.

At least they are using their time constructively and not playing video games when they are suppose to be working:wink:

btw, Jon P. got a few shots of you three last weekend. I know he has them scanned in already. You should pm him for the web link.

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