Some Musings on Etiquette (Hey what's that) When in Cozumel and Other "Stuff"

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And cigars? That's a tough one. I know you are on vacation and you certainly have the right to light up and enjoy a big "Cuban" cigar, but the smoke from a cigar is especially strong and I personally feel that you should wait until you get off the boat before you light one up. Of course, it is just my personal opinion, but I feel there are too many people sharing that small space to have to breathe cigar smoke for their entire surface interval.
I'd be happy never to have to smell another stinking cigar the rest of my life. A couple of years ago a guy lit one up in Kinta right before my meal arrived. One of the waiters probably saved my life by getting to the guy (he was a very big guy) and getting him to put it out before I could get out of my chair.

IMO, smoking cigars in public is the essence of selfishness.
I could go along with that. I used to smoke cigarettes and tried cigars once or twice. Never could see the appeal. And there's no excuse for lighting one of those up in a restaurant anywhere.
But what happens when they legalize American travel to Cuba? It's hard to get away from cigars there. Though I don't recall anyone lighting up one on any of our dive boats, they're pervasive in the bars and I never saw/smelled as many cigars in one place than during the Tropicana show (not that I helped the problem any). Yeah, I know it's a Coz forum here, but there will be a Cuba forum soon, hopefully by 2013!
Well this thread has taken an anti-smoking turn. Of course polite smokers should sit at the back of the boat or wait until they get to the beach for a SI. I carry a pint ziplock with a couple of tablespoons of baking soda for my butts so they don't smell on the boat even after extinguished. I walked about a few used car lots the last few days and of course a salesman followed me at each, so I asked each to be sure and stay upwind and I saved my butts for the can in my pickup. Yes, in Coz cafes I wait until I am outside. Anything else...?

I really thot there were plenty of smoker bashing threads already, but oh well.
Having quit smoking some time ago I must say I appreciate the fact that in some states smoking in eating establishments and bars has been made illegal. I don't really appreciate the smell or the smoke.

When in Coz you can mark me down for a Cuban while I am there, now if I could just find a 18 year old Glenfiddich to go with it.:D

I can assure you it won't be on the boat or in a enclosed area like a bar or restaurant though.
But what happens when they legalize American travel to Cuba? It's hard to get away from cigars there. Though I don't recall anyone lighting up one on any of our dive boats, they're pervasive in the bars and I never saw/smelled as many cigars in one place than during the Tropicana show (not that I helped the problem any). Yeah, I know it's a Coz forum here, but there will be a Cuba forum soon, hopefully by 2013!

Hopefully it won't be illegal to import Cuban cigars much longer.
Having quit smoking some time ago I must say I appreciate the fact that in some states smoking in eating establishments and bars has been made illegal. I don't really appreciate the smell or the smoke.

When in Coz you can mark me down for a Cuban while I am there, now if I could just find a 18 year old Glenfiddich to go with it.:D

I can assure you it won't be on the boat or in a enclosed area like a bar or restaurant though.
Didn't you say you quit smoking?

With cigars it does not have to be enclosed. There was a guy smoking a cigar out by the pool at Blue Angel a couple of weeks ago who stunk up the whole place. Unless you were in your room with the door tightly closed you could not escape the stench.

I really hate cigars - could you tell? :D
Didn't you say you quit smoking?

With cigars it does not have to be enclosed. There was a guy smoking a cigar out by the pool at Blue Angel a couple of weeks ago who stunk up the whole place. Unless you were in your room with the door tightly closed you could not escape the stench.

I really hate cigars - could you tell? :D

I should have qualified it with I quit smoking cigarettes. I only smoke cigars, when a treat like a Cuban Cigar comes along. Not that I have ever smoked a Cuban cigar while here in the US:eyebrow:. I hardly think 4 or 6 Cigars a year is anything that approaches a habit. Here, there are cigar bars where cigars and cigarettes can be smoked indoors. I do go there on rare occasion and have a cigar and a fine scotch. I find it enjoyable, and generally cost prohibitive. Probably not a place you would enjoy though.:D We all have our likes and dislikes, I personally hate the smell of brussell sprouts, it makes me gag, I can smell them from 50' away. Fortunately not too many places serve brussell sprouts so I avoid them.
I am going to add to the anti smoking tone this thread has taken. On a small 6 pack dive boat(or on any dive boat for that matter), not much could be ruder and more selfish than lighting up a cigarette. They stink and I hate being forced to breath in in 2nd hand smoke. The stench stays far longer than the the time the person is actually smoking. Baggies for the butts don't cut it. Cigars smell is far more offensive. One of the few nice things about living in the New York is that smoking is not allowed at restaurants or bars. I would never expect Mexico to follow that trend but hope that when out at a restaurant or bar, smokers have enough respect and restraint to not smoke until they have their own private space to contaminate.
Not a fan of brussels sprouts either. My mother told me while forcing me to eat them when I was a kid, that they would not kill me. Still avoid them at all costs but Mom was right.
I love brussel sprouts

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