Any recommendations for a good 6-pack boat and lodging in town?

Yay, we haven't had a good cheerleading session in a while. Ops are so competitive on Cozumel that you probably can't go wrong, so choices depend on your preferences.
We've dove with Scuba with Alison and Tres Pelicanos, would recommend both, but I think they run more than 6 to their boat (Alison is 8, TP 8 or 10?) There are tons and tons of ops to choose from, and many favorites on this board. We would try Blue XT next if our usuals are filled, as I think Christi does so much for the SB community and her op looks great.
Some of the best. Neither will take more than 8 as that's the maximum allowed per DM, I think. Alison is great to dive with, I love her huge boat, but traveling solo as I always do - I hate to pay taxi fares to the southern marina. I did one day to go with friends on her boat last trip and it was only 110 Pesos ($5-6), but I hate the risk of getting a crooked taxi. Tres Pelicans provides transportation to the marina, and Christi picks up at various docks I think, but they're all so popular you want to book early.
If you go this route, have Christi/Blue XT~Sea book your room downtown. If you book your own room you'll have to pay a $5 dock fee when you get on their boat downtown. You may even save some money this way with a package and she'll have good advice on where to stay.
I think someone tried to charge me a $2 fee one day at Safari's dock, some Spanish words were exchanged, but no money was transferred. I had $2 bills handy, no biggie, but not a problem.
A bit too comprehensive a travel guide for me to sift through (If I weren't lazy, I wouldn't be drift diving). Looks well researched though.
I know. I started to read it, it may be great, but Cozumel is too simple for me to try to read that much.
Nice place if you want to pay that much. I'm cheap. They're sister hotels are cheap enough, and you still get breakfast there, but I am kinda lazy about walking that far too.
Look into Hotel Mary Carmen. Its on the square. You should be able to stay inexpensively. I like to dive with Liquid Blue. They offer steel tanks. Youncan talk with them about transportation to the marina, i also like Salty Endevors. Henry keeps his boat north of town so intown pickup should be no problem.
I enjoyed Mary Carmen and their courtyard turtles. The little beggars love cantaloupe from the breakfast offerings, but don't trust them to eat out of your fingers. The breakfast cook didn't speak any more English than I did Spanish, but we pointed and made sounds and I ate well enough. I tipped in dollar bills and $2 bills.
I dived with Salty Endeavors as I've known Henry since we met on Roatan a few years backed, and we've been FB buds thru his years of his training on Utila, working in Fiji, moving to Cozumel and setting up shop. He's new but a great Op. I had just had my regs serviced so of course had problems with both the first day, and he repaired them on the boat! Nice boat, too. His main DM Domingo is great as well. We had a miscommunication one day, I ascended alone without the captain knowing to watch for me, and I became their first ever lost diver. I wasn't worried, but a glass bottom boat picked me up and took me to my boat. The cruise boat tourists seemed to have enjoyed the show.
Isn't it on the walking mall about halfway down the block south of the square?
Yep, but quiet unless someone get noisy in the courtyard. There was a birthday party there one night, but they got shut down at 10pm I think. Very handy to the square, bank ATMs, Los Otates for dinner, etc.
^^ yes, I remember it south of the square on the part of 5th that is a pedestrian walkway.
Dandy Don just stayed there...he will chime in.
If Dandy Don likes it, it's GOTTA be good
Sold, Mary Carmen it is. Funny, though. Through the Hotel's site it would have been over $1000 for the nine nights, Expedia about $650, $550.
Yeah, I noticed that. Expedia just is not a player anymore, and the hotel advertises more than you can get it elsewhere. I booked thru as I love their rewards program and satisfaction guarantees. I think I paid about $37/night last August and booked for maybe $39/night for February. I did not book breakfast in advance as I did not see an option for one, but they only charged me 80 Pesos a day on arrival. They charge a fee for credit card payments so I went to the bank ATM ½ block away and got Pesos. The beds are hard like in most hotels, and hot water was iffy but warm enough for me.