Scuba Limericks

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Oh, one of those Wayward Words like chooters. Perfect. :)
Drysuit zipper opens wide
Relief from deep I can not hide
Off gassing came from dinner past
If I'm to dive, I can not fast
One short whiff, my buddys died
Occasionally, I've tinkered with real poetry like you guys, but I keep coming back to the good ol' limerick!

Gotta love the kungfu shart
It kicks you with a running start
And in your drysuit
Just let it toot
'Cuz sharting is a martial art!
All this prose of gas and poo
Make me think no less of you
If it weren't for this here thread
I'd think this place had just dropped dead
It's now the time for bread and stew
Wetrat is back!

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