My old DAN CARDs and ICE/In Case of Emergency Info printed on wp paper are sealed with clear packing tape to my mask case.
Contrary to popular opinion and viral emails, ICE info on phones is nearly worthless. On scene medics or emts aren't going to waste treatment time going through a cell phone, nor are they going to make sure your phone or wallet is transported with you.
Actually we will try and keep your phone and wallet with you for several reasons.At the very least, a police officer will have possesion of both.
1 Acountability. There have been several cases of phones being used by bystanders to call family and relay false information.
2 Fire and EMS crews are sometimes held responsible for lost and or stolen items. I can think of several cases around here in which things such as watches and Jewelry have disappeared and the EMS crews have been singled out.
3 At somepoint the police will want to know who you are so they can begin the process of notifying family, filling out reports etc.
4 If you have been to most hospitals lately, they are usually from the same parent group. One hospital can pull your prior history from another, assuming that you have been in one.
While we probably wont waste time looking thru a phone for someone to call while at the scene, we will go thru a wallet to find your name, or any other pertinent info. Some people who have prior medical histories, have put there medical condition info in their wallets, or there is a clue as to their condition in a purse such as prescription meds, or glucosamine.
Some have their medical alert tags in their wallets. That will tell us volumes about the person.
I am lucky in that the Dept I am with there are at least 5 of us onscene of serious accidents. At least one of us is usually looking at or for wallets purses etc.