if you go into a restaurant, and grab one of the steak knives by the blade, is the restaurant at fault for not telling you knives are sharp? do they have to tell you every warning of ever possible thing that can happen to you in their restaurant?.....or should they assume you have some level of common sense?
this is reinforcing my point.....people are stupid....and when stupid people do stupid things (like pouring hot coffee on their laps)...they hold everyone else responsible except for themselves.
the coffee they served was at "industry standards" for temperature.....and many restaurants were serving coffee at the same temp, or hotter...but somehow, its their fault some lady tried to hold coffee in her lap and it spilled.
you can get 3rd degree burns from liquid in 1 second at 156 degrees.....so even the coldest coffee on the market would have caused her 3rd degree burns.
this is why companies treat us like morons, and try to prevent us from doing moron things.....and when they cant prevent morons from being morons, they put warning labels on everything and refuse to sell you service kits.
you cant have your cake and eat it too.....you cant blame companies for your screw ups....then expect them to help you make even more screw ups.