More citations, from whatever source, is a good thing. I want to know why you think what you think. Well, most of the time, anyway. But if all you do is attack the source, rather than what the source presents, then what's the purpose? OK, you don't like YouTube. I'm not sure anyone cares about that. What did you think was wrong with what the presenter said? THAT'S what is salient here.
I'm unclear of the credentials education or experience of the youtube man, but he appears to want the federal govt to help him grow his equipment repair business. But he's also looking out for everyone else!! But wait, not "literally" everyone else.....
So he's a capitalist, but not the kind of capitalist that wants free markets to determine the fate of busineses. That's hypocritical. He apparently doesn't think he should be competing against Apple. That's unfortunate, but the federal govt doesn't need to get involved.
Tell me what I have wrong.