Rebuild a Conshelf XIV

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Thanks for the encouragement, Vancetp, but since both I and my gear are so far removed from our last dives we both plan to seek professional help before we resume our bubble blowing. This forum is blest with some very knowledgeable folk so we‘ll leave ourselves in their able hands until we knock off some of the barnacles.
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I have never heard of any injuries or deaths of scuba divers using vintage gear.

This makes me wonder if vintage gear or vintage gear divers are safer than newer gear or modern divers.

Is anyone else aware of any injuries or deaths of divers using vintage gear?
Well, with fingers crossed I entrusted my beloved Con XIV to the tender mercies of the USPS today, headed from its home in Lynchburg, VA all the way across the country to my new e-friend Rob in Napa, CA. This is about the only reg I’ve used for about 30 years… lots of nostalgia! 🤔
Froggie 🐸
Does anyone know of a source for replacement stickers to go on the purge valve button? The one I sent to Rob is in good shape, but I have another 2nd stage I’m hoping to rework, whose sticker has gotten pretty ratty. I know it doesn’t affect operation, but I’d just like to have it look a little better since it will be the one I use as “bait” to try and lure my niece back into diving with me.
Does anyone know of a source for replacement stickers to go on the purge valve button? The one I sent to Rob is in good shape, but I have another 2nd stage I’m hoping to rework, whose sticker has gotten pretty ratty. I know it doesn’t affect operation, but I’d just like to have it look a little better since it will be the one I use as “bait” to try and lure my niece back into diving with me.
Ok, setting aside that the use of the words "bait," "lure" and "niece" in the same sentence is kinda creepy 😎 (no worries, my warped sense of humor just couldn't resist), see if the other Rob (at The Scuba Museum) has any stickers. My 2 psi.
I amy have a Conshelf 14 sticker... I'll check when I get home. I could also do a replacement button in pink ABS.
Interested in this thread as I have about 6 sets of Conshelf 14 Regs (no, no-one needs that many!) having got interested in them during the UK's COVID lockdown.

You can pick them up very cheaply (at times) in the UK and Europe and I've snapped them up whenever I've seen a good deal.

I have serviced both 1st and 2nd stages myself with nothing more than online videos and service manuals to work from and the regs have been problem free after.

Obviously, each to their own on whether that's a risk too far for them, but it does (as others have said) give some indication of how straightforward they are to work on.

In the past I've found Vintage Double Hose a good source of parts and information, but I'm not sure if they're still trading.

I have never heard of any injuries or deaths of scuba divers using vintage gear.

This makes me wonder if vintage gear or vintage gear divers are safer than newer gear or modern divers.

Is anyone else aware of any injuries or deaths of divers using vintage gear?
I think it may be the other way around... people who use vintage gear tend to be more experienced or more thoroughly trained than new divers who go out and buy a bunch of new gear, scrape through an Open Water Basic course, and think they’re a cross between Lloyd Bridges and Jacques Cousteau. Some experienced divers get lazy and make mistakes, but with experience, they can deal with them.

I’m sure some people have found some old gear in their grandpa’s closet and tried it out with disastrous results, but that was a user error, not a gear issue.
Vintage gear the diver has lots of time and experience with contributes to safety by familiarity. This is MHO, of course, and others will probably disagree.

I had mine serviced last month for just a few dollars. No issue whatsoever. You should find a new dive shop. Parts are so plentiful for these you can order them directly off the internet dozens of places. They're trying to sell you something.
Does anyone know of a source for replacement stickers to go on the purge valve button? The one I sent to Rob is in good shape, but I have another 2nd stage I’m hoping to rework, whose sticker has gotten pretty ratty. I know it doesn’t affect operation, but I’d just like to have it look a little better since it will be the one I use as “bait” to try and lure my niece back into diving with me.
Amron had them the last time I checked.

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