Ratio Dive Computers Announces New iX3M 2!! Our Best Dive Computer yet!

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Am waiting on a response from Ratio support, see what they have to say about the matter

I just received an email from Ratio about their latest software update. One of the changes is now the dive planner can go up to 999 minutes. I stopped at 120 minutes. Would be nice if increments sped up if you hold the button down though.

I just received an email from Ratio about their latest software update. One of the changes is now the dive planner can go up to 999 minutes. I stopped at 120 minutes. Would be nice if increments sped up if you hold the button down though.

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Did they list what's new in this firmware update please?
looks like you did not know about the update either, I was just asking :)

No, I didn't since I don't own an iX3M 2, I own version 1. Version 1 had an update not too long ago and it was a minor update, nothing new IIRC.

Ratio is very good supporting their products even if they are EoS, they still get firmware updates when necessary (like mine does).

BTW I think these guys are reading this forum. There was another update (5.2.3) released few days ago (24th of October) which had the old max planner time (99minutes). Then we had this discussion here, and yesterday they released the newest update (5.2.4), with max 999 minutes. Coincidence?

Some weeks (maybe months) ago, there was another discussion (don't remember if it was in this thread or somewhere else) where I mentioned that my iX3M2 was consistently showing lower NDL times compared to my Peregrine (with the same GFs). At the beginning of the dive the differences were small (few minutes) but towards the end the difference was increasing up to 10-20 min or so. Few days later, update 5.2.2 was released and this issue was solved too (now my Peregrine and my iX3M2 show similar NDL times throughout my dives). Another coincidence?

A bit more nagging in here and they might implement SurfGF and GF99 :)

Good for you Ratio!
I just received an email from Ratio about their latest software update. One of the changes is now the dive planner can go up to 999 minutes. I stopped at 120 minutes. Would be nice if increments sped up if you hold the button down though.

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Good see they took action on this, not checked my Idive Colour computer yet, but will later on, I know there was an update on that a couple of days back

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