Primary Long Hose Length: 5' or 7'?

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I dive a 5 foot hose on both single and double rigs. I love them on both rigs.

I would also love for someone to tell me I had a small frame. Of course, their perception of reality would obviously be a bit skewed.

Sent from 115 FSW.
The only reason to always use a 7' hose is because you want to-- and, that you don't think it through enough to understand that using other hose lengths are preferable for specific diving reasons.

Indoctrination is a terrible thing to witness, and it is to be dismissed universally.
Hearing that makes me have to qualify what I say in a big way, because I use 45 or 120 swivels on my 5 footer. IME, swivels are like adding a foot or two feet in that the swivel allows the sharee to be on the left or the right, or dead in front without 'the loop' that non-swiveled hoses can get in them.

Could you please elaborate on your use of swivels?
I dive a 5 foot hose on both single and double rigs. I love them on both rigs.

I would also love for someone to tell me I had a small frame. Of course, their perception of reality would obviously be a bit skewed.

Sent from 115 FSW.

Ah big belly is not large framed :D

Seriously, a dry suit with thick undergarments will tend to enlarge your frame significantly more than a 3mm w/s, everyone is different size and had a different feeling from what is too tight.
FWIW: I brought a 5' hose thinking I don't cave dive, don't have a can light and there was no reason for the extra length. I used it about 3 times,, at 5-11 / 215lbs its a bit tight and pulls. Maybe it cause I am short for my weight. The longer hoses (6 & 7) are more comfortable. Someday I might buy 90 elbow to salvage the 5' hose, but is was a mistake on my part.

You might find if you add the swivel, that a 45, or what is variously called a 20 or a 70 or a 120, might work better than a 90 for the neck looped reg.

90 works great for underarm regs, but on some people (I am one) and an some regs (I own several) the 90 jams the hose against the head when neck looped. The 70 swivel keeps it tight and can be used underarm as well and has enough swivel to allow a diver facing you not have to have 'the loop' pulling at them.

Also you cannot hook the 5 foot anywhere or it is too short and you have to hook the 7' or it is too long, all other things being equal, which they often are not.

---------- Post added June 27th, 2013 at 11:03 AM ----------

Could you please elaborate on your use of swivels?

Underarm reg, 90 or what is variously called a 70/120/20 swivel

Neck Loop reg 45 or the 70/20/120. I don't like the 90 for a neck loop because it can jam the hose against the side of the hose


As Doppler's pictures shows some people go with the 360 hemisphere swivel which sits further off than a simple 90 and which can become a bunch of different angles. Personally, I don't like the memory feel those swivels have. They can become any any angle but the simple twist that naturally happens when a diver turns his head make them torque against the jaw.

Beyond that personal preference, there is a greater safety issue. I have had two of those 360 swviels completely separate on me, and have witnessed several more, and total loss of air is not for me, so. One was with the first round of swivels, and the next was with 'updated, fixed' round of swivels. Omni is selling them for $75.00 now, and Oceanic is putting them on some Hollis gear so maybe they solved the problems with them. I am of the 'total loss of air due to gear failure makes me hesitant to use it' school of diving.

Here's three swivels (90, 70/120/20, and 360 hemisphere) together. It does not show the 45 anywhere. Mares and Scubapro both make them.
Indoctrination is a terrible thing to witness, and it is to be dismissed universally.

I would just like to point out that my post was directed at beano's criticisms of 7' hoses being unmanageable without a canister light or something else to route them under.

I think primary donate is a better system, and the bungied backup is awfully handy. If you are going to do primary donate, you need a LONGER hose on your primary than the 24" standard hose. Options include 40" with a 90 degree adapter, 5' wrapped, or 7' wrapped. I personally prefer either 5' or 7', for the ease of air-sharing in a normal diving position. People with broad or deep chests seem to find the 5' hose can be a bit short, and limit their ability to turn their head to the left. They are probably better served by the 40" or 7' hose lengths.

If you intend to go on to train in penetrations, either of wrecks or caves, using the setup you will use there makes some sense, in that you will gain facility with it in open water before you need to use it in more challenging surroundings. If you have no intention of doing either, you can choose what you think works and is comfortable for you.

I dive in a system where everything we do is standardized; we have chosen standardization as a good in and of itself. Not everyone makes that choice, and that's okay. (And not everyone who HAS made that choice is as mindless and brainwashed as some folks would have you believe.)
I would just like to point out that my post was directed at beano's criticisms of 7' hoses being unmanageable without a canister light or something else to route them under.

If We are to be misquoted and demonized, then We apparently are being heathens. We are not member of your church. Nor yet are We heathens. Actually We may be heathens, since We no longer accept anyone's dogma, nor do We try to proseletyze our own beliefs, merely report from our own experience, and listen carefully to other experiences, while basically ignoring their beliefs. In diving, like in most things, beliefs are usually best ignored, and experiences best listened to.

We did not say 7' hoses were unmanageable. We did say they have to be managed. Yeah, verily, the difference is clear to those who are not under the spell of the 7' gods.

The 7' requires management: a tuck in a belt, under a knife, under a can light etc. When they come loose, or they are deployed they then have to be managed: retucked, relooped etc.. That's not necessarily a one hand job*
and there are lots of times in diving when requiring two hands to do something is a real concern.

Even when that hose is routed correctly, it can come loose from a tuck. Yeah verily the very acolyte who criticizeth Our experience has suffered this problem (" I HAVE had them come out of my waistband and need to be tucked back")

We have also, when still members of the 7' church, tried to anoint some divers with 7' hoses and found that even with a wrap around a deco cylinder, it was simply too long. This was the beginning of our dismissal of 7' dogma, in fact.

Plus there are plenty of people who simply endanger themselves with all that extra hose length. They fail to manage the 7' tuck/hook, and cannot work out how to reloop it, and/or get it hooked on things etc.

5' hoses requiring only a wrap, which never comes untucked, because it never needs a tuck. It never ever needs two hands to stow, though certainly there are beginners who need two. 5' hoses can even be dove as underarm regs in a pinch, something impossible most people. (7' hoses end up hooking on knees when dove underarm.)

We have dove both in many situations, and yeah verily We have found that 7' hose is too long even when hooked for some people, and it always need to be managed. There are times in diving when having to worry about managing Our hoses keeps us from managing more important things.

And unfortunately the acolyte has spoken an untruth (5' hoses only work well on small-framed people.) Since we left the church of the 7' hose, We have anointed various peoples, from the small (85#42 kg) to the large (260# 115kg), with 5' hoses and yeah verily none have suffered problems from the 5' hose.

* We said hand job. Heh heh.
Methinks thou doth protest too much . . .

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