The quoted sections were not for you and are from a recreational divers vantage, go back and read the OPs #1 post, we are not talking tech diving here and if you are then you are not on topic or on point. Nor was the poster to whom I poised those questions intended rhetorically. Thanks for feeling the need to answer them

Most, nearly all, divers use a safe second system because most agencies teach that system and it works just fine in open water recreational diving. There is nothing inherently dangerous in donating a safe second vs donating your primary, if anything it is safer because only one diver is without a regulator momentarily, not two.
Maybe rather than fussing over hose lengths and primary donate vs octopus donate for non technical diving, maybe upgrade your buddies if they cannot take an octopus and instead attack you snatching your primary. Just out of curiosity but if on a dh regulator or rebreather, do these panicked and out of control OOA divers snatch the loop? In the end all of this comes down to some training and discipline. I do not want my wife diving with anyone who is going to aggressively snatch her regulator out of her mouth and in my case if such were to happen it might take my front teeth out as they are implanted and rather delicate.
I am mostly but not exclusively primary donate, my wife is not, most of my usual buddies are not. Somehow I deal with it. And really, I am gravitating back to safe second, so called octopus, system and away from primary donate for recreational diving. The long hose is a bugger to deal with in some circumstances and has little advantage if any for recreational diving. Secondary donate is more simple and more minimal and potentially more streamlined.
And, directed to you since you knocked on my door, unlike the other quoted sections, if as you state you have had multiple panicked OOA divers taking your primary (and you did not tell them beforehand to do so in your buddy briefing as I do when so equipped) then maybe you need some new buddies or something of a better process because that has not been my experience, not at all. Or not set yourself up in a circumstances with random OOA divers on the prowl, what, like Trick or Treat. Safety begins before the dive, not during and is not exclusive to primary donate. Good grief

. Love you though
