Palm Beach Dive Thread

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Thank you for the information. It's a shame that there is now one less option for those who wish to dive but it's good that standards are being paid attention to.

Strangely, the website seems to still be up & accepting reservations - Palm Beach Scuba | Scuba Diving Charters In Palm Beach

Where did you find the information about them being halted? When I google the name Palm Beach Scuba, I don't see anything about them getting shut down.
While it may be a shame, given the way they chose to run their business, it's also not a shame. Taking an unsafe operator off the market is good for all of us. Hopefully they will sell the boat to new, ethical owners who will once again run a safe dive operation.

As to where was this posted, it was posted on Facebook. The fact that their website remains up and they remain happy to take money for charters they cannot currently run speaks further to their lack of ethics.
Geez, me and my wife dived with them a year or so back. The boat was packed because the other area Dive Ops didn't go out due to anticipated marginal conditions (which never materialized). The diving itself was fine and we never had a safety concern, but the boat was mostly filled with spear-fishers and it was like massacre, with blood and guts everywhere, people holding big beautiful fish over their heads and parading them around the deck.

When it comes to marine life, the only thing I like to shoot is pictures and it was a disgusting nightmare for us. That particular week we got blown out of diving all along the SE coats from Jupiter to the Keys, this was the only diving we were able to do and it was rather disappointing.
You're obviously not up to date on this charter. For one, the boat "was" well known as a hunting boat. Be sure to do your research before booking a charter. Pura Vida would have been more your style. Two, the dive op was sold 4-6 months ago and turned into a shark dive op.
Seems like business as usual. If @DandyDon hasn't posted about it then it's not newsworthy.

Even that screenshot doesn't point out a serious problem. So what a minor incident led to one or more failed inspection items and they didn't have an official employee drug alcohol policy in place. "Uncredentialed Mariners". How many boats have crew performing operations they aren't officially trained for. Sounds like a bunch of BS propagated by an authority having a slow day that will blow over rather quickly.
How do you know a minor incident occurred? From a good source, I heard someone was severely hurt this past weekend. Besides, who wants to go on a dive boat that is not credentialed? What if the captain didn't have a license or it didn't have all the safety equipment it was supposed to have? This is a big problem in Florida where many yahoos think that because they have a boat, they can run a charter.
While it may be a shame, given the way they chose to run their business, it's also not a shame. Taking an unsafe operator off the market is good for all of us. Hopefully they will sell the boat to new, ethical owners who will once again run a safe dive operation.

As to where was this posted, it was posted on Facebook. The fact that their website remains up and they remain happy to take money for charters they cannot currently run speaks further to their lack of ethics.


There are several other legitimate and safe operators to choose from at the same marina, yet alone near by. To my knowledge none of those have been accused of the same allegations. Why would someone knowingly choose to dive with an operator who has been accused of operating an illegitimate dive boat, when there are many others in the area who have not? I’m glad they got caught. Not glad someone had to get hurt for it to happen though.

I’ve never dove with them and never will.
You're obviously not up to date on this charter.

Of course I'm not and (as per your second post) I have no clue if any incident occurred. I retired and moved to Europe a year ago, and prior to that I only dived with them the one time during a fish massacre. They were my last resort, I don't care to dive with unfamiliar dive Ops but no body else was running due to marginal conditions, as stated.

According to you there was a change in ownership some time after my experience. But so what?

What does that have to do with another member here disparaging a dive charter and accusing them of all sorts of illegal things with no proof other than a questionable social media post?

Why would someone knowingly choose to dive with an operator who has been accused of operating an illegitimate dive boat, when there are many others in the area who have not? I’m glad they got caught. Not glad someone had to get hurt for it to happen though.

I’ve never dove with them and never will.

See here's a perfect example of a lemming that read something someone else wrote about something someone else wrote and they will no longer patronize that business. Based on nothing but hearsay.
What does that have to do with another member here disparaging a dive charter and accusing them of all sorts of illegal things with no proof other than a questionable social media post?

See here's a perfect example of a lemming that read something someone else wrote about something someone else wrote and they will no longer patronize that business. Based on nothing but hearsay.

Everything on Facebook isn't true, but nor is it false. It is simply a medium. I have very little doubt the facts are legit. You seem to be getting all bent out of shape defending them. You have a vested interest perhaps? Care to share evidence that they have NOT been shut down by the USCG?
According to you there was a change in ownership some time after my experience. But so what?

Because your complaints aren't relevant to the current news. You're rehashing something that has nothing to do with the reason they were cited. It's not even the same people, it's just the same boat.
That should have told you something. Being the only boat willing to run, and it doesn't raise questions in your mind?

Absolutely it raised questions I figured the conditions would be rough, but as we had traveled quite the distance to get there it was worth a try. And as I think I stated, the conditions were not a concern.

But as pointed out by @MrChen my complaints/observations about my experience is irrelevant, the operation is under new ownership the past 4-6 months and I dived with them in 3-2023.

Meanwhile still nothing in the news, if @DandyDon hasn't started a thread about it then it didn't happen.

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