brizzolatti once bubbled...
I can't stay out of this any longer!
As a woman who has in the last month completed her Rescue course, I did not pick up any sexist vibes from the video or the book.
As a woman who does not have a regular dive partner, I have always gone on boats on my own and been buddied with men. I have not perceived any sexism.
If I was struggling with my tank and my buddy or someone else helped out, I would not think it was sexist. I would be grateful for the assistance.
I have nothing to offer your English paper except maybe to wonder that they couldn't think of a deeper topic to set you!! Sorry
Well, then, to you & the rest of the critics, why bother posting here? Honestly, what good does it do? Make me search my soul to see if my skin isn't think enough? No that's alright.
Like I've said before I haven't really been overly BOTHERED personally by what I've encountered. Especially since I have worked in jobs which I've had to deal with REAL, BLATANT sexism. Actually, my current place of employment is sexist against men, reluctant to hire them because women multi-task better & are more reliable. This is crap, especially since many of the girls hired don't work out because they don't like the job so they quit after 2 weeks without notice.
And the Rescue Diver manual that I have which is Copyright 1995,1999,2001 does not use general neutrality in the text. If it does not refer to "the diver" as such it states that "he" needs assistance, not alternating between he & she, either. Perhaps the pictures & scenerios show women, but that's a pretty shallow revamping if that is the case... Once again, AGAIN, I didn't notice any sexism in the video, I'd like to review it though after some men in my class mentioned they noticed it.
I do think this is a topic that deserves being addressed. It's interesting, I bet that if the topic were racism, instead of sexism, there'd be much less ad hominem defensiveness on the thread. It seems that in any instance were sexism/feminism is brought up in society there's an ever-present backlash. It's still us overly-sensitive women-folk getting uppity about petty things that we shouldn't worry our pretty little heads about to begin with, right o-ring?