nessum once bubbled...
Anyhow, this is what my paper is on.
And, one way or another, the lack of gender neutral pronouns is discriminatory, whether one considers it awkward or not. And in most contemporary writings they have caught on if for nothing more than for fear of being labelled sexist. Which would at some level be true.
I have noticed that in the divemaster text & in most of the Padi videos they alternate between using "he" & "she", etc.
Now, again, this is for school. Personally, I'm pretty laid-back about these things. But sexism does exist, often in BLATANT use and while these subtle forms of it don't bother me as much as is suggested they should by my sociology course, they are worth examining, especially considered my english prof is a bit of a feminist himself.
So again, I'm not trying to stir things up, & the intention of this thread is not for opinions on diving & sexism... but observations of it. If you would like to express your opinion I ask you to kindly take it to another thread.
Thanks again,
Actually, whether one considers something sexist is indeed an opinion, since what is sexist to some might not be sexist to others....but you don't want any opinions...even though you've expressed yours...
Sounds to me like you are looking for sexism....and going backwards....Much research explores it forwards...looking for examples of behavior and asking a statistical sample of people what they feel about it...(not suggesting either answer) and then analyzing the results...
So, what "facts" are you after?