Opinions on buying new vs. used equipment?

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Does it count if I offer to sell him some of my stuff?

Note: Ok I bought it all new..but could possibly sell it...

It counts to me ! :eyebrow:

Netdoc, I did say buying "cutting edge" or "late model" would be more difficult, but it's certainly not impossible. I'm currently looking for an express tech anyway, so I'll let you know if I find one used. I've definitely seen the F1s for sale used. I've never looked for HOG anything except wings at this point.

Obviously if you're looking at very specific stuff that is also high end (are HOG first stages high end?) then your used market is going to be significantly smaller. In that case it may be easier to simply buy new, but to say you can't find the gear used simply isn't accurate. It just takes more effort.

I have no real problem with buying new, but as a new diver I just think it's better to buy used until you really know what you want and how you'll be using it.

When I started my OW class in April I had no intention of doing anything except warm water diving. Less than 6 months later I have done as many quarry dives as I have warm water (still at 9 dives total so I'm not saying much here) and I'm now more interested in more advanced and technical diving than I was when I started looking for classes. As is often quoted here, you don't know what you don't know and buying used gear in that situation is wasting money, in my opinion.
I have to agree with NetDoc on this one. It does depend on your commitment to diving. If you plan to dive once or twice a year on holidays. You are further ahead to rent gear and not buy in to the sales pitch at the LDS.

I see some value to buying second hand but the problem is..as we have heard so many times here "new divers don't know what they don't know!" Not to be disrespectful to anyone but how can people know what they want and do the research when they haven't dived enough to KNOW what is right for them? That said... I think buying some items second hand.. tanks and BCD to save money and work out what is right for you is not a bad idea. The price needs to be low or the seller needs to be willing to let the proposed purchaser have the equipment checked by someone who knows what they are looking at.

I guess I disagree with a fair few people here but I want my first and second stage and computer to be new and under warranty!

I bought all my gear new from a LDS owner I trusted to steer me in the right direction. Guess what... he didn't know what was right for me either! I wound up regretting some of my purchases and putting out some significant cash to replace it.. yes I bought it new both times.

Would I buy second hand? I would consider it... have I bought second hand yet .. NOPE. My husband has bought all his gear new as well as replacement gear.. the only second hand thing he has bought is a BCD like his original which they don't make anymore.

Some people might consider us experienced divers :idk: but our preference is to buy new.

So when your warranty expires are you going to go out and buy new gear? While I understand some people just prefer new, the warranty argument doesn't hold water (no pun intended) unless you replace your gear every time the warranty expires.

Your argument about new divers buying new versus researching is exactly why new divers should be buying used, in my opinion. Even buying new you should do research to find the best deal on what it is you need. As a new diver, you simply just don't know what you're going to want and need so buying used is a much cheaper way to find that out. Especially if you're going to dive a lot. I agree if you're a vacation diver renting is probably the best option.
Obviously if you're looking at very specific stuff that is also high end (are HOG first stages high end?) then your used market is going to be significantly smaller. In that case it may be easier to simply buy new, but to say you can't find the gear used simply isn't accurate. It just takes more effort.
Netdoc said Hollis and there is a reg set available on TDS right now. :D

I have purchased Hollis F1 fins from I believe this board :cool2: Along with a complete set of as new HOG regs.
I happen to be very committed to diving (at least the recreational side of it), and have been diving since 1965. In all that time, I've bought much more used gear than new. Warranties mean nothing at 90 feet underwater. All that matters is that my gear does what it's supposed to do when it's supposed to do it. I generally service my own stuff and I know its condition intimately. Why should I pay the new price of an Aqua Lung Titan when a used Conshelf has the exact same innards? I can buy a clean, used Conshelf cheap and, for a few bucks, rebuild it with all new Aqua Lung Titan parts. The result is a regulator that performs as well as , if not better than, a new reg costing up to ten times as much.

Another old regulator that I really like is the Aqua Lung Aquarius. Simple, tough and utterly reliable. Complete Aquarius sets can be had for less than $50. Usually much less.

When I'm underwater, I know exactly what's in my gear and how it works. I know the condition of every part because I have handled and examined each and every one. I have never had a gear failure and have the utmost confidence in the reliability of my equipment. This is my idea of "commitment to diving," not blindly throwing money at what is supposed to be the "latest and greatest."
I'm so committed to diving I should probably be committed.

The only NEW items I have purchased have; been seriously clearance sale priced, dealer cost + shipping or Key Man deals (below dealer cost; typically for Instructors only).

My first scuba purchase was a full set of old rental gear from Poipu Divers' post hurricane Iniki "we're closed" sale. Not only was it really used but it "surfed" around inside the shop for a few hours as well!

The last BC I purchased was $20 from Salvation Army; that is my every week boat guide BC. My OW Instructor / shore dive BC was $120 shipped to Maui, off eBay.

My wish list is;
.....size 11-ish free dive fins (one jumped over board)
.....3-5 Apollo AV-1's

My budget is less than 50% original retail for the fins and less than 25% original retail for the scooters. :)
2 cent time...

Some is good, some is not. Price may help you have exposure to differemt equip. I have new and used gear...some I keep, some I re-re-sell.
If it was possible for me to be offended by the comment "it depends on your commitment to diving" I would be. But I don't get offended much, so I will let it slide :)

I have been a diver since I was twelve and I am a VERY commited diver, both rec and tech.

The only difference between a used backplate and a new back plate is about $100. Both of the plates I bought used were Deep Sea Supply stainless plates, top of the line and one had never been wet for 2/3s of new.

I did buy my F1s and 3 sets of Hogs new, because I wanted them and I did not see any used ones. I have bought alot of new gear, but why not buy some of it used if you can?

Feel free to buy the latest greatest brand new gear, its your money. I choose to buy some of my stuff used and save the leftover money to GO DIVE. Helium mix fills are expensive (which is why I am looking for a USED booster, but that is a whole new thread)

But that is just me.
Actually IMHO the best option is for a new diver to rent different types of gear and deal with a shop that allows them to dive the gear before they purchase it. I am not sure it is honestly possible to know what is right for you until you have dived a bit. I used borrowed and rented gear before I purchased mine and I still didn't get some of it right!

My first purchase was my regs and computer setup. Yes they were new.. To maintain the warranty I have them serviced by a licensed technician according to manufacturer's directions (just like the car). As long as I do that the warranty is good for life.. yes they have replaced my computer after a glitch. I currently see no reason why I would need to replace them.

As I said before.. I would consider used gear under the right circumstances but it is not likely that it will be regs unless it is from someone I know well. It seems common for people in North America to service their own gear... but here is OZ that is very uncommon... I know a lot of very active divers and non of them service their own gear that I know of.
You are reading about service from our gear enthusiasts. It is not common for North American divers to service their own gear. If you were reading an auto enthusiast forum, you would read about folks doing their own car work, too.
there's nothing wrong with buying a used reg, any more than in buying a used car.

but, typically you're going to need to get it serviced prior to use, as you have no idea how old the O rings & diaphragm are. So unless you do that yourself you have to factor that cost in as well. If the combined price is low enough to be a deal, then do it. If it's too high, keep shopping.

In many cases, you have no choice but to buy a used one if that's the model you want. A Scubapro R109 2nd stage for example, they quit making them a long time ago. So if you want one, you buy a used one & service it.

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