Opinions on buying new vs. used equipment?

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Most of the gear I dive with was purchased used. I have only one regulator that I bought new and that is the USD Aquarius I bought way back in the late '70s. A friend of mine was certified two weeks ago and bought an entire dive package of used gear from our LDS for around $500. There is really no reason to throw money away needlessly when you can buy good used gear for practically pennies on the dollar.

A used regulator is just as serviceable as a new one once it has been checked out and serviced. I recently bought a Conshelf XII, with SPG, at a yard sale for the sum of $1.50. I took it in to my LDS to have it checked out and serviced professionally at a total cost of $40, including parts.

I have three Conshelf XIs that I paid less than $20 each on EBay and all three have been serviced and work perfectly. Now, I realize that most new divers wouldn't want the older gear like I do, but there are tons of good deals out there on perfectly usable, used equipment that has many, many dives left in it.

Buying used gear just makes sense when you're just starting out. It saves money and allows you to enjoy diving while you gradually accumulate any newer gear you feel you might need.
depends on each deal. if it's what I want & the savings are great enough, ubetcha. I've saved a lot of money on used gear, tanks especially.

But consider Jet fins. The only thing that's likely to go wrong is the straps & I'm making my own springs for them any way, so if I can buy them for 50% or less than new ones, what's the down side? Especially if I can look at them first.
depends on each deal. if it's what I want & the savings are great enough, ubetcha. I've saved a lot of money on used gear, tanks especially.

But consider Jet fins. The only thing that's likely to go wrong is the straps & I'm making my own springs for them any way, so if I can buy them for 50% or less than new ones, what's the down side? Especially if I can look at them first.

Yeah. I just bought a pair of Jets for $25.
Apparently, like Bob and I: you are at the top of the "Gear Chain". I'll have my new Deluxe Express Tech at Vortoberfest as I am sure some peeps would like to try it. :D

Are you paying MSRP for that or is Scott cutting you a deal not available to most regular divers?

I don't have a dog on either side of this fence; but I suspect some of the folks pushing new have a relationship with gear manufacturers that might make them a bit biased.
Most of the gear I dive with comes from local dive shops. Now the Deluxe Express Tech I alluded to is really not for me: it's for the people I dive with and especially for Vortoberfest and Ginnie's Mega Dive. Yes, I do get some prototype equipment to evaluate, but more often than not, I buy what I need and I dive what I buy.

But, most of my comments apply to the divers I splash with. Most of them buy new and they are early adopters. You often can't buy the latest equipment second hand. Go figure.
You often can't buy the latest equipment second hand. Go figure.

I do understand that. I'm probably going to have to buy my next wing "new" because they are so hard to find used. But the best regulators are pretty easy to find used since they were manufactured before many divers were born.
Things I've bought second hand:

2x 12l Steel twinset
JMD Umbilical torch
8L stage
3x MK25 & S600/R395 regulators
2x pairs Force Fins Pro
SP-350 (replaced flooded one)
Custom Divers TDB wing
Halcyon Eclipse stealth
Poseidon Jetstream x2
Poseidon Cycklon x 3
Dacor Viper pony reg
O2 analyser
....and the list goes on....
I never had much luck finding used gear, except tanks. But ladies gear for my daughter has been a bargain. Some guys want to get the wife or girlfriend into diving, and she doesn't like it. That's probably why there's a lot of lady gear hardly used and cheap. Same for golf equipment.
Here is something fun to do:

Go to your LDS and look for the guy (your size) checking out the latest BPW setup. In my case he "reeely needed one". His new (5 dives) Sherwood Avid was of no use to him because he was going tec and make his fortune diving. Long story short, I got the rig for $150.

Yeah I know..... I'm gonna die! But it's mine and I love it.
I have to agree with NetDoc on this one. It does depend on your commitment to diving. If you plan to dive once or twice a year on holidays. You are further ahead to rent gear and not buy in to the sales pitch at the LDS.

I see some value to buying second hand but the problem is..as we have heard so many times here "new divers don't know what they don't know!" Not to be disrespectful to anyone but how can people know what they want and do the research when they haven't dived enough to KNOW what is right for them? That said... I think buying some items second hand.. tanks and BCD to save money and work out what is right for you is not a bad idea. The price needs to be low or the seller needs to be willing to let the proposed purchaser have the equipment checked by someone who knows what they are looking at.

I guess I disagree with a fair few people here but I want my first and second stage and computer to be new and under warranty!

I bought all my gear new from a LDS owner I trusted to steer me in the right direction. Guess what... he didn't know what was right for me either! I wound up regretting some of my purchases and putting out some significant cash to replace it.. yes I bought it new both times.

Would I buy second hand? I would consider it... have I bought second hand yet .. NOPE. My husband has bought all his gear new as well as replacement gear.. the only second hand thing he has bought is a BCD like his original which they don't make anymore.

Some people might consider us experienced divers :idk: but our preference is to buy new.

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