Oahu SB Get Together September 4th - Labor Day Monday

Where oh where

  • Trench

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • E-Beach

    Votes: 6 46.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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When you do CPR on freshly dead people they tend to puke.
uh...ambu bag?...professionals?
LOL, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. BTW don't blow all your message privileges in once place now.
That was when I learned to close my mouth when droping a tube. She was well inflated by a BLS FD prior to my arriaval....
LOL, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. BTW don't blow all your message privileges in once place now.

the masses were crashing my mailbox with pleas to return.
That's a pretty good shot though, to get hit with puke while intubating.....it must have had some trajectory/velocity on it. I would have paid to see that.
Dark night laying on my belly in berry bushes trying to get a tube so we could ship her in for parts, baby medic at the time ( you were in diapers or maybe the womb) fighting a tube with my mouth open, hit the goose and squirt!, Twice. My partner bout lost it when he figured out why I kept spitting.
Hey! Where is that dirty jobs guy?

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