You have to hear this. I returned to Manzanillo between Vallarta and Acapulco, Mexico. Before I left I was getting "use to" diving my doubles by going out with Mariano and some divemasters with Nautilus a local "PADI dive training center".
They work out of one of the local resorts and do tours so I just payed the $85 dollars and used my gear. Hoping if anything went wrong I was with qualified instructors and divemasters. I did a quick Nitrox course with then and when I went to pick up my temporary card. I got telling them about my IDA-71 mCCR conversion and interest in Tech. The owner Jorje must of thought it was interesting.
I returned from St. Thomas (via Dallas) and he has since done some MEG training and purchased 4 sets of doubles and gear. He is now doing Tech training along with instructor training at his school with IANTD. So I'll be training with Jorje on Tech starting Tuesday while I finish my instructors and wait for my IE.
Market for Tech - I mentioned this to Jorje. He is busy with this school, just recieved his five stars and is building it slowly, the thing is - he's bored. Diving Manzanillo all his life he doesn't want to get into the water. So he's going Tech. (He says about 2% of his students are interested).
He was saying that in '59 a hurricane came through and sank seven ships off the coast here. Nobody has yet dove them as I understand. We are contacting the Harbor Authority and the Navy to find locations. The hope is at least one or two are in 150'-300' of sea water. After our training we are going to go find these and hopefully people will be able to dive these for $200-300 just bring fins, and mask. (Airfare to Manzanillo $600 from LA - direct flight OR Four nights at an all inclusive Resort plus airfare $1291)
So how about this for things working out, fingers crossed. If we find these ships and they are within 2-3 hours of shore and within reasonable depths - plan a long weekend about three months from now with a couple of your buddies and come to Manzanillo for two days of Tech diving - four nights hotel at an All Inclusive resort (Karmina Palace) with airfare for less than $2000. Jorje will supply boat, double 80's, stage tanks, (Backplate, Wing, Reg if needed), classroom. For the first while (3-6 months) these expeditions will be with an IANTD instructor - I presume - until a divemaster can get trained up. If Instruction is needed book to attend the IANTD course and spend some extra time.
Book through me and I'll be joining you thats for sure.