My back surgery...

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I am praying for your recovery, sending positive energy, and enjoying that despite your challenges you have not lost your sense of humor! Keep up the great work!
As some of you know, I used to race canoes. In fact my surgeon was amazed at just how strong they were when he cut through to implant the discs. My calcs put me right 4,600 nautical miles. I've made it down the Suwannee twice, from the Okefenoke swamps to the Gulf and then some which is why I live here.

This hangs behind me in the hospital. How cool is that?

I had this done in June, 2023. Fused L3, 4, 5, S1. 3 discs replaced with cages, 8 screws and two rods. Before, I couldn't walk 30 feet or stand for more than a minute or so. If I coughed or sneezed, my legs would buckle. The morning after 5 hour surgery, I was standing straight and walking down the hall - no pain - I was on a pain pump. There will be pain for a couple months from the surgery. Start walking right away, increasing distance little by little. One month later, I was walking 1/2 - 3/4 miles a day. I slept in a recliner for two months. I was VERY careful not to twist or bend. I got a couple of the remote grabbers on Amazon in case I dropped something. The BEST thing I got was an add-on Bide unit for the toilet - still use it today. They also have an extended hoder for toilet paper to dry off afterward. After two months, I was riding a stationary bike 6 miles or walking 1-2 miles. 3 months after surgery, my wife and I did a river cruise in Europe. We were walking about 5km a day. Yes, there was still some soreness and I had to take breaks, but it got much better by the end of the week. A lot of supporting muscles and tissues were cut in the surgery. It will take time for them to heal but keep up with the walking. I played a little golf in October and am playing 2-3 times a week now. In Feb, I did a 5k race walk and was 1st in age group (70 - 74) and 9th out of 99. Memorial day weekend I did another and was first in age group again and 11th out of 235. We did a 20 mile bike ride the next day. I still have some sciatica on the right and after a workout. Advil or Tylenol takes care of that. I will be happy to answer any questions you have. fwiw, when you go through an airport and they ask if you have any metal in your body, say NO. Scanners don't pick up Titanium. Almost forgot, I do have slight reduction in how far I can turn my upper body but can still touch my to


Good for you! That's fabulous.
Make the best of your adventures. :cheer:
Great day so far. No heavy pain meds. I got out of bed 4 times yesterday and hope to repete that today. Sat in a chair today to eat breakfast. Another sponge bath and shampoo today. I'm even in a t-shirt and underwear.

My right leg is at 20%. I'm putting it through my exercises right now. Life is good. Send me some diving pics! Let's make it eels.

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