My back surgery...

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Not sue where I left off. Still In ICU, still hurt, and it's a week tomorrow. Nurses get a giggle when they ask me where I am and my reply is "Shambles" rather than Shands. Nice group of people who appear concerned and competent. Thought you should know.

Which circle of hell is "Shambles", I forget. :wink:

No diving for an additional 6 months.

Sorry to hear about the complications. :( Can you at least get them to let your 6-month sentence run concurrently and does it preclude "floating"?

Hang in there! And yes humor is likely the best weapon ...

ETA: Funny like above is for the "shambles" part, not the ICU/hurting. Consider this a suggestion for multiple like variants per post ...
Still In ICU, still hurt, and it's a week tomorrow.
Thanks for the update. I'm impressed that you have the stamina to post from ICU. Keep up the good work. 🧑‍⚕️
Really wishing you a good outcome and recovery. Sending you positive energy!
Longest PT session today and I feel it. I don't think I should. I'm in enough pain without adding more. I was able to get up and shuffle aroundwith a walker, but they keep pushing to do more and more.

They'll be rescanning my chest for clots in a bit to be sure they got them all.
I hit send too early. We did the shuffle thing, and then they wanted me to sit in a straight back chair for an hour. That was truly counter productive. I made it 45 minutes.

Just had the chest recheck done and it was like a party bus there and back. Seeing faces I now recognize and can put a name to, makes everything nicer. Another mass sponge bath on the way back and now for a shampoo.

No lie, but some of the staff have started to call me Sweet Pete. Not a typo. Having a fun bunch of people around to heal with is a must. Not as fun as a conga, but there was a lot of laughter. It keeps the spirits up.
Another mass sponge bath on the way back and now for a shampoo.

No lie, but some of the staff have started to call me Sweet Pete.

"Another mass sponge bath" , "Sweet Pete" ... Are you in a hospital or at Burning Man?
the staff have started to call me Sweet Pete
Would you like your username changed, or just a title? 👀

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