Yeah Michelle! I am happy to hear that you got a reservation. I will definitely let you know if my friend can come along. He's currently in Peru though, and I think he's back at the end of this week. YEAH!!!
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micboucher:I have a reservation and a dive buddy. Woohoo!!!
sarita75:Borg's Motel (in Pacific Grove, right by Lover's) has some cheeeeeaaappppp rooms available - between $99 and $145.
wdunne311:Hey Chuck, is that when you used to walk uphill (both ways) in the snow to school? My dad used to joke about how his father would say just that. They both grew up in New Orleans, LA. Us young whipper snappers love to hear stories from back in the day.
You are referring to Admiral Nimitz I believe.Chuck Tribolet:it was visible from the Nimitz (Who knows who Nimitz was?)