Moderators posting, ethics and site Terms of Service

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But it is a good question -- do you guys, as SB members, think the moderation staff should be restricted in its ability to speak its mind on any given topic?

Nope. Restricting Mods that way would mean losing information from experienced divers and that would be a big loss.

Btw, what's an "Assimilated Medical Mod"?
Frankly, I think it's pretty darn sad that mods have to defend themselves from narrow-minded rageaholic know-it-alls that attack volunteers who shovel all the schit around here.

Mods have every right to their opinion and if once and a while, they aren't perfect, none of us are. Let s/he without sin cast the 1st stone.
Frankly, I think it's pretty darn sad that mods have to defend themselves from narrow-minded rageaholic know-it-alls that attack volunteers who shovel all the schit around here.

Mods have every right to their opinion and if once and a while, they aren't perfect, none of us are. Let s/he without sin cast the 1st stone.

In my experience the mods are usually fair, sometimes they are heavy-handed, and occasionally their egos factor strongly into their comments, if not their actions.

However, they do a far better job than I could do. If I ever meet up with an SB mod, even the ones that I disagree with, I will be buying the rounds for them.
Good lord.

Other than the "hope" sentence in the OTOP (original thread original post for those playing along at home), I didn't once see sailnaked complain obout his post's reception.

If he did, too bad. You post for two reasons: to give info and to receive info. You can't just post "I did something dumb, come hug me." That would be pointless.
In the past few months, I've publicly posted about making a huge dumbass mistake and about succumbing to the perfect storm of stress. I didn't do so to be consoled; I did so to learn from the responses, and perhaps to teach a little as well.

I often think this site is too heavy handed in the moderation. I understand the reasons, but at some level, what's the point of participating? I could write a JavaScript that replies to entries with rainbows and pixie dust, but personally I'd never use it.

Use this vast array of diving knowledge to your advantage. Part of that is pondering even the least considerate of posts. If someone sees fit to call you out, there may be a teachable moment at hand...
DON'T - and I mean DON'T - come on as a Scuba Board "MODERATOR" with an attitude and belittle posters who already know what they did was wrong. Especially when they ask - nicely - for you not to.

You want to do that kind of posting, well, it's your right. Poor behavior, but it's a right.

But when you do it as a MODERATOR, don't expect me to sit back and take it, because I WON'T.

He wasn't moderating the thread. He was posting in it and offering his opinion as any other scuba diver would.

It's NOT about excuses, it's about the behavior of a MODERATOR.

There was a time when this forum wasn't like this and folks were genuinely supportive of one another. Now, it seems to be more about cheap shots and who can best who.

For what purpose? A learning moment? Oh, that works well.

I'm going to tell y'all something. EVERYBODY - and I mean EVERYBODY - has moments of stupidity when diving, including ME. You share, analyze, learn and improve so you WON'T do it again, IF you live through it. It's NOT if it will happen, it's WHEN it will happen. Ask one of the other Moderators in this thread, she recently had one and lived to share it. Both Sheck Exley and Wes Skiles, unfortunately, weren't so lucky. Are you going to ask what their excuses were?

So, please, DON'T tell me that if you KNOW what you are doing it CAN'T and WON'T happen. It CAN, and to the very best people.

When a MODERATOR in this forum takes one of those CHEAP shots, what they really are doing is discouraging others to share and learn. That's INEXCUSABLE because that's NOT why Scuba Board is here. It's immature, degrading and a sad comment about the attitude of this diving community.

Nothing ticks me off more...
Apparently these moments extend beyond scuba.

Shhhhhh. All you normal divers out there. Here you have a couple of average specimens of the creature I mentioned above...the rare, but noisy, "cybersharkius Godsgiftius IBeperfectius".

Very distinct characteristics and predictable behavior
-It does all of its hunting on-line
-It only eats other divers less experienced than itself
-It's a pack hunter (helps with its natural lack of courage)
-Note the high hundreds or even thousands of SB posts
-It has lost touch with the average diver
-It erroneously thinks that others value its rude opinions
-It is the king of Monday morning quarterbacking and pretends it has never made a mistake

You cyber sharks, It's called a mistake, and you're way out of line generalizing this to represent their entire dive career. You are adding nothing of value to this discussion.
Takes one to know one. :D

I sure hope NetDoc's in Baltimore tomorrow, cause when I see him I'm going to ask to become a moderator. Seems that's the only way now to actually speak your mind, unless your "special."

I guess all that :censored: about defending Scuba Board and free speech from those that would do away with it only applies to the lawyers of dive operators not well liked, huh?

After all, we only preach that here, we don't practice it.

I'm sorry, I thought they were the "advanced" and "technical" forum.

Guess I expected better.
:rofl3: I think I just pee'd my pants. Thanks. :kiss2:
I sure hope NetDoc's in Baltimore tomorrow, cause when I see him I'm going to ask to become a moderator. Seems that's the only way now to actually speak your mind, unless your "special."
Au is however the best way I know of to ensure that you'll never be asked to become one.

Oh and demonstrating level-headedness - that's a good thing...:rofl3:
... so I was on a boat one time and some dude in a backplate and black-skirted mask said something mean to me ...

... DIR sucks!

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
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