Moderators posting, ethics and site Terms of Service

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If one of the purposes of an internet forum is learning, and a lowly member asks a "respected" moderator for links to the "studies" the moderator claims supports the moderators opinion, how is that an argument?

It's not about having the last word, it's about having a civil conversation. Here is a recent "civil" interaction;

If you go out to Lanai, a good set of dives is one of the Cathedrals followed by Sharkfin Rock.

That would be an interesting itinerary? :coffee:

I think it much more likely that Shark Fin would be the first dive; the deep dive. Then your surface interval gets you significantly closer to "home" and either of the Cathedrals is a better "longer, shallower" dive, IMHO. :idk:

Oops, you're right - fixed that..
Sounds more like, "How dare you not answer my demand for a study?"

:wavey: Later.
I did however find the lack of reply, being completely ignored, to be excruciatingly self-centered and rude. :no:

How do you know the Mod even saw your question? Did they continue to post and totally ignore you? Or perhaps they got busy with something else and never made it back to the thread?
Jax, I posted on topic in this thread, and all my subsequent posts have been replies to posts directed at me. :idk:

I find being called obsessive by a member who has posted nearly 23,000 times in just over 2.3 years (~45 posts per day) quite stimulating.

Are you sure you don't need a boy friend? :D
Jax, I posted on topic in this thread, and all my subsequent posts have been replies to posts directed at me. :idk:

I find being called obsessive by a member who has posted nearly 23,000 times in just over 2.3 years (~45 posts per day) quite stimulating.

Are you sure you don't need a boy friend? :D

How very juvenile of you. :D
Know what I wish? I wish there was an option to see all the banned/deleted posts. Those of us with the self esteem to read those posts deemed too offensive for public consumption could opt in. Others can live in Candy Land.

Often times, some of the most interesting posts get deleted because people get their panties in a bunch about the context rather than the content. It's sad, really, as it can defeat that purpose suggested by Halemano above.

He and I may not always "get along on the interwebs," but who cares? I respect his experience and the resulting opinions. YMMV.
Halemano -- I'd almost be sorry for how you have been so abused and mistreated by at least one mod -- almost. But since you write about how you have been so misunderstood and abused -- not to mention how you write that your primary purpose of writing is to make sure TRUTH WILL OUT (especially when it comes to Maui) -- a few responses:

a. I started diving in Maui in the late 60's (prior to your birth?) -- and I can tell you that MY LYING EYES prove to me there are fewer reef fish. OK, not a study.

b. You wrote:
I posted an example of a moderator posting as a user, where the moderator made a statement "as fact" that is not a fact. I immediately (next post) asked for the supporting data for the moderators statement of fact. This was not an issue of someone's opinion; this was about anyone claiming their opinion was backed up by "studies" when in fact there is no study that backs up that opinion. The only studies actually point to the opposite of the stated opinion.
This non-response is, apparently, the object of your ire and your prime example of abuse.

BUT, you also wrote:
It's sad . . . five years ago, when I first dove Molokini crater, it was like being in the bottom of God's kaleidoscope. Each year we have gone, there seem to be fewer fish and more dead coral, and now we no longer bother to go out there. The shore diving is just as good, and far less expensive. Oh, and BTW, it's not me getting jaded. There are studies of reef fish off Maui that show exactly what I am talking about.[quoting that poor abusing Mod]
This is, you go on to write, "The Big Lie" pushed by the abusing mod on the poor Maui instructor who stands (and writes) for TRUTH on SB.

OK, let's take a look at what that poor Mod wrote:

a. First statement is that of the Mod's observation that in five years, the number of fish seen at Molokini Crater is declining. This IS a statement of fact -- the Moderator is stating seeing fewer fish over a five year period at the Crater.

b. Second statement is that there are studies of reef fish off of Maui showing declining populations. Note -- there is no specific reference to Molokini in this statement.

Now, HM, for another quote from ONE WHO WRITES ONLY THE TRUTH:
near shore reefs have declining coral coverage and near shore reefs have declining fish numbers

Hmmm, is there, perhaps, some problem with Halemano's ability to comprehend a post? (And did I mention the Mod wrote about the study AFTER a sentence referring to shore diving off Maui?)

Oh, and here is some more food for thought:

The end result of reef degradation is evident at Maalaea Bay. In 1972, Maalaea coral reefs were described as being ‘striking in their diversity and in the presence of rare corals species’. As late as 1993, estimated coral cover was 50- 75% close to the site where cover is now 8%.

Therefore, in just a few decades, the Maalaea reef has transformed from a healthy and diverse ecosystem into a badly degraded habitat overgrown by algae and with little surviving coral.

One consequence of severe loss of living coral is that degrading reefs change from being actively-growing and structurally-complex habitats, into eroding and relatively flat areas which do not support abundant marine life. That process is well advanced at Maalaea, where fish stocks are now in very poor condition, being dominated by small wrasse, triggerfish and puffers.

Given that the Maalaea reef is now a poor habitat for most grazing fishes, and that existing blooms of algae will continue to inhibit new coral growth, even in the best of circumstances (without water quality or fishing impacts), recovery of Maalaea would likely take many years.
Status of Maui's Coral Reefs

In 1999, The Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) in partnership with the Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program began annual surveys of coral condition at nine reef areas in Maui County...

So, what do we really have here from Halemano:

a. An inability to comprehend the English language.

b. An arrogance of belief that only HE "Knows The Truth" and can spread The Word on SB.

c. A lack of knowledge of the subject matter at hand.

d. A general lack of charm -- and who knows what else.

HM -- feel free to put me on ignore as I am NOT a mod. Me, I tend to at least glance through your posts (at least on threads of general interest to me) if for no other reason than to see what BS you are spewing next!
.............I replied to a moderators post claiming that some members have expressed that some moderators come across as arrogant. I posted an example of a moderator coming across as arrogant, at least in my eyes.

Ethics is one of the words in the title of this thread; I was thinking ethically when I was posting in this thread. Abuse is not in the title of this thread, not in the OP of this thread, not in the first few posts to this thread and is not in the post I quoted for my reply that has so fueled the conversation.

I was simply pointing out what I saw as moderator arrogance. :idk:

Here is the root of the problem- you are not responding to a Moderator's post- you are responding to another member who happens to be a moderator. Unless this person was acting as a moderator they were just expressing their opinion, and nothing more.
I did however find the lack of reply, being completely ignored, to be excruciatingly self-centered and rude. :no:
How do you know the Mod even saw your question? Did they continue to post and totally ignore you? Or perhaps they got busy with something else and never made it back to the thread?

Since I rail against hypocrisy and ignorance, it would by hypocraitically ignorant to not admit that the wording of my reply you quote above was only a vehicle to use the words that JAX attempted to throw in my face.

Until this thread I did not feel bringing up the incident had any worthwhile purpose, but since this thread exists and since Diver0001 posted the words I quote below, I thought it would fit the conversation;

Several people have said that they find some of the moderators arrogant. This is bound to happen although I believe such opinions are sometimes based upon misunderstandings that were never resolved, which is unfortunate.

If you look at the entire statement that I quoted to make my first post in this thread I think the intelligent participants to this thread will now be able to see many examples of "unfortunate misunderstanding."

I have many friends who earn their living taking divers to Molokini, and the moderator who posted a negative opinion of Molokini and then "claimed" there were "fish studies" that backed up that negative opinion may have negatively impacted my friends income more than if the moderator simply expressed their opinion.

While it is possible that the moderator in question never realized anybody asked to see links to the "fish studies" I think it highly unlikely my question went unnoticed.
Here is the root of the problem- you are not responding to a Moderator's post- you are responding to another member who happens to be a moderator. Unless this person was acting as a moderator they were just expressing their opinion, and nothing more.

For some crazy reason, I thought that was the topic of this thread; Moderators posting, ethics and site Terms of Service :D
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