Moderators posting, ethics and site Terms of Service

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In addition to what has been said, it would probably also help to remember that the vast majority of moderation is done because of a report by another member. Sure we will occasionally be the first to see something questionable or outright against the TOS, but most are from someone hitting the report button. So we are reacting to what the membership wants, not what we feel as moderators. You might be surprised at how much discussion between the mods takes place before any action is taken.
In addition to what has been said, it would probably also help to remember that the vast majority of moderation is done because of a report by another member. Sure we will occasionally be the first to see something questionable or outright against the TOS, but most are from someone hitting the report button. So we are reacting to what the membership wants, not what we feel as moderators. You might be surprised at how much discussion between the mods takes place before any action is taken.

Nah . . . that's when someone starts biotching about y'all taking too much time. :popcorn:
However, since all the mods are posting in here, who's left to clean up the mess? :popcorn:
I'm not a mod. While I try to live up to the high morals and ethics of the Moderators, I have found myself cleaning up an uncleanable mess just because I have to. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

There are many reasons for people to come to ScubaBoard.

  • Some come to read what others write.
  • Some come to air questions.
  • Some come to vent their frustrations and/or their happiness.
  • Some come to socialize.
  • Some come to sell.
  • Some come to buy.
  • Some come to do a combination of all of these and more.
  • Yet a few come to read what they have typed and yearn to create a reputation for:
    • Being Clever.
    • Having the Highest Standards.
    • Having the Lowest Standards.
    • Being a Troll.
    • Knowing Everything about Diving.
    • Knowing Nothing about Diving.
    • ____________________(Write Your Own Thang Here!)

So unless you see a Moderator wearing his Mod Uniform... treat him with respect as you would an off duty officer. But don't think for a moment that s/he gets cut any slack when they violate the ToS. It doesn't happen that way.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

This is one of the Mod's Uniforms when they are on duty!

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

This is another Mod Uniform when they are on duty!
So unless you see a Moderator wearing his Mod Uniform... treat him with respect as you would an off duty officer.

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I think that SB has a very good collection of mods, and they do an admirable job. They are humans subject to human emotion - for a mod this may be both a blessing and a curse.

However, I disagree with the statement that mods should be treated with the same respect as an off-duty police officer. In my mind they should be afforded the courtesy which they deserve as a poster - no more, no less. In one thread some time ago a mod posted something to the effect of "I was involved in that incident and I don't want anyone making comments about... This thread will be moderated very closely." While I respect the mod in question, posts such as that leave a very sour taste in my mouth.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I think that SB has a very good collection of mods, and they do an admirable job. They are humans subject to human emotion - for a mod this may be both a blessing and a curse.
We agree!
However, I disagree with the statement that mods should be treated with the same respect as an off-duty police officer. In my mind they should be afforded the courtesy which they deserve as a poster - no more, no less.
We are saying the very same thing here. No matter what the subject, if someone appears to be knowledgeable, I will listen to him. However, if an off duty cop hits you in the face, then s/he should be subject to the very same laws as you and I.
In one thread some time ago a mod posted something to the effect of "I was involved in that incident and I don't want anyone making comments about... This thread will be moderated very closely." While I respect the mod in question, posts such as that leave a very sour taste in my mouth.
Surely, you hit the
bad post button.
When I was new around here a mod by the name of SubMariner moderated my first couple of threads. I had never participated in discussion forums before and posted my thread a couple of different places. I got a nice private note, some threads were deleted and others moved to the right place.

Then I had someone take an interest in helping me learn my way around and answering some questions privately. I still have those pm's saved in my box. SubMariner could have just cleaned up my mess and told me not to do it again, but instead they really took time to help me and I have never forgot that.

I read them every once in a while and it makes me smile that someone that I didn't know was willing to help me. I am sure that is not an isolated event. Mods do things behind the scenes all the time that they never get credit for. They do get a lot of flack they really don't deserve.
When I was new around here a mod by the name of SubMariner moderated my first couple of threads. I had never participated in discussion forums before and posted my thread a couple of different places. I got a nice private note, some threads were deleted and others moved to the right place.

Then I had someone take an interest in helping me learn my way around and answering some questions privately. I still have those pm's saved in my box. SubMariner could have just cleaned up my mess and told me not to do it again, but instead they really took time to help me and I have never forgot that.

I read them every once in a while and it makes me smile that someone that I didn't know was willing to help me. I am sure that is not an isolated event. Mods do things behind the scenes all the time that they never get credit for. They do get a lot of flack they really don't deserve.

Here, here! :clapping:
I have not yet been permabanned from ScubaBoard.

That in of itself says a lot more about the tolerance of the ScubaBoard moderating team than anything else I have read in the last 11 pages of this thread.
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