I am not a freediver.
About 5 years or so ago I said something in a thread that was consistent with what the majority in this thread are saying about the body not compressing at depth. A couple freedivers responded as if I had written the most ignorant, stupid thing in the history of ScubaBoard. How could I know so little about free diving? One person in particular essentially told me to hide my face in shame forever, but, then, that was the topic of many of his posts anyway.
Having learned my lesson, I recently wrote a post in which I mentioned the body compressing at depth, and someone responded as if I had written the most ignorant, stupid thing in the history of ScubaBoard.
I am still not a freediver, and I have no intention of becoming one, but I would sure like to find out so I can stop being perceived as the person writing the most ignorant, stupid thing in the history of ScubaBoard.