Guy Alcala
Thanks Doc! We may have to let Kathy finish her schoolwork first, we'll work it out.
I just finished 85 today, not really in style. I'll be getting sand out of my gear for the next hour or so.
I did make it to the barge on my first dive. That was such a neat experience.
Guy Alcala: I checked that screw you were talking about, it's seated just fine, it's up about an inch. but when I tried to tighten it down I could not. It's not going anywhere.
Many thanks to Kenn for his video so that I was able to know what to expect. I made it back with 1300 psi(in an HP100)
We had a considerable surface swim though, I was grateful the boat traffic was pretty much non-existent. We found the line easily going out, I was expecting to see the barge at the end of the line but we couldn't. I took a guess and veered left and found it. We could not, however, find the line on the way back (thus the extreme surface swim).
Kristina, thanks for checking it for me. I'll send you a PM on how to find the end of the line from the barge if you want, but failing that, from any point on the barge if you swim any course between 180 and 240 inclusive, you'll eventually arrive at either the wall or the beach, near the corner stairs. I tend to use 200 deg., which will bring you back to the wall slightly west (towards the beach) of where you started, and gets you out of the boat traffic sooner than swimming 180 would, while also getting you shallower and closer to the wall in case there are any problems.
I make it a habit to always have a safety direction/heading and the approximate distance to the feature pre-planned and either memorized or better yet written down, just in case I'm not too sure where I am or the direction to my target. The safety direction is chosen to take you to an unmistakeable linear feature lying across your path, one which will lead you to people/help. This is a carry over from land navigation practice: in the Sierra it's common to use the nearest through-road. Ideally it will be one of the cardinal directions, but doesn't need to be.