Lake Pleasant conditions

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Dan and Doug, It was really nice to meet you guys.
Ry, Kyle, Jamie, Darin, Bob and Shiela ... Great diving with you guys as usual.

Lake Pleasant Conditions:

Where: Desert Tortoise Road
When: Sunday, 9A

30' Visibility Shallow
5-10' Visibility at 60'
Water Temp.: 64 Oceanic Degrees

Did 62' Max Depth, Circumvented the Island (closest) at the end of DT. Road. Fish are beginning to nest. Small Mouth Bass are guarding their nest. Saw about 20+ SM bass. Most of them were hanging in the shallows on the South side fo the Island. Saw 2 Catfish around 40'

Checked out Scorpion Bay. Conditions were much choppier over there and there were a lot of fisherman.


John beat me to it. Thought you were going to take a nap?

Great diving today, had a great time.

We even learned that a safety sausage will NOT burst when shot from 50'. They do, however, get really hard....

Sounds like we need to make this a weekly thing...maybe a resurection of the T.N.D.C.? Maybe make it a FNDC?

Great dive today,vis was about 30-35ft at Scorpion Bay. Water temp was 57 - 53f . Seen more fish today than I have for awhile. Thanks Andres for budding up. Those small white piles must have been camp fires; although they seemed pretty small. Great to have meet everyone out there today.
Hey, no problem, anytime.
Excellent diving at scorpion bay on sunday, some of the best conditions I have seen at the lake, at one point we were at 36' and looked up and saw the surface, crystal clear.
Granted it was not like that all along the dive but I don't think it dropped to less that
Keep diving!!!
Well geez at that rate maybe your instructor can throw in a Rescue class before noon :D

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:

Charles R:
Thus the reason for wanting to find a new instructor. I am happy with what I’ve gotten so far you know the saying you pay for what you get.

I've researched course prices in Arizona quite extensively. I hate to say this, but I'd say you didn't get what you paid for. You got robbed. Your instructor also violated standards if he is PADI. According to the instructor manual:

Training dives must include all activities outlined in the particular course Instructor Guide and must also include:
a. a briefing
b. preparation to dive (equipment assembly)
c. an entry
d. an exit
e. a debriefing and equipment disassembly
f. logging the dive

I've added the bold to emphasize the standards it appears your instructor failed to follow. This particular standard is in the General Standards and Procedures section of the Instructor Manual.

Anyway, enough of that! We were diving over at Desert Tortoise. It was actually quite crowded, but those were divers, John, not fisherman. There were a few people fishing when we arrived at 7:45, but once the dive flag went in, they left the area. There were about a dozen divers parked at the bottom of the basin and another dozen or so on the hill to the north side of the bay. We had some students out there this weekend so were a little busy. But during that time we met Desert Eel and saw Andres again after almost a year! We also met a couple of other divers (not sure if they're part of the Board). And we met up with some former students who were out for some fun diving. Conditions were great in the morning. 57-64 degrees water temp with a couple degree drop every 15' or so. Visibility pushing 30' down to 45'. Air temp in the mid 80s. Then a class of about a dozen students showed up on the hill early afternoon and visibility dropped to 10'. :frown: Oh well, it was good in the morning! We had a great time! Lots of fish in the bay. Hopefully that injunction will go through and we'll get a few more months of diving at Scorpion!
It was actually quite crowded, but those were divers, John, not fisherman. There were a few people fishing when we arrived at 7:45, but once the dive flag went in, they left the area.

I was there on Sunday. When I see fishing poles, I assume fishermen. My apologies if I mislabeled anyone. :wink:

Have a great day .... diving!
Anyone planning on diving at Pleasant on Wednesday afternoon (or could be persuaded to dive)? I have meetings in Cave Creek Wednesday morning and thought I'd drift over for a dive afterwards.
Is anybody going out this weekend? Sat. preferable.

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