Just booked trip to Little Cayman- Thanks for the help!

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New York
Thanks to everyone that provided advice in my trip plannning over the past month or so. I finally pulled the trigger today and am looking forward to 8 nights at the Southern Cross Club at the end of April.

Seriously considered Grand Turk, Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Coz, PDC, and Akumal but we were won over by the isolation/good diving combo of Little Cayman and what sounds like a great hotel in the Southern Cross Club. Spending more than I planned, but I think it'll be worth it. I will definitely put up a trip report when I am back!

Natasha, DocVikingo (particularly for the trip reports), Ber Rabbit, Beachman, Rick Murchison, DavidE, Scubaled, Hoppy, Fred Brown, BigBerg50, Scorpionfish- THANKS!
You're gonna LOVE it there!! Be sure to dive Randy's wall. It's like diving the side of a building! If you get over to Pirates Point area, say Hi to Gay and Ed Morse for me. Have a great time!
Congratulations on making your decision. Just a word of warning - Last year in Grand Cayman we encountered a phenomenon called "Sea Itch". It is a result of jellyfish spawning and a release of stinging cells into the water that can make life miserable. Proper treatment was unknown apparently by the locals since they advised taking cool showers. I contacted DAN and they let me know that fresh water causes these cells to "fire" and release more toxins. The best treatment is a calamine lotion with either mentol or benzocane as an additive.

Locals butter up with suntan lotion ALL OVER which results in a barrier for the stinging cells. There is also a suntan lotion-repellent that you can get at your local dive store. The lotion was not sold locally in Grand Cayman last year.

All of this may be moot since the spawning only lasts 2 to 4 weeks and can happen anytime between March and October.

:doctor: DavidE
Little Cayman is awesome! You will not regret your decision.

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